Three Live Oaks - Carolina 2000

Trees, Flowers and Plants

Mostly flowers from the garden with some miscellaneous 'others' and trees.

Three Live Oaks - Carolina 2000

14 May 2000 2 2 144
Live Oaks silhouetted against a bright evening sky; Chelsea, Ridge Land, Carolina 2000 (Exif info gives shot time as at UK summertime 11.49.18)

DSCF0011 Squirrel's tree - Carolina 2000

14 May 2000 117
A squirrel running up a Live Oak tree festooned with the usual Spanish Moss - Carolina 2000

Elora Gorge - clinging on at the edge of the Gorge…

19 Jun 2008 2 2 190
Erosion around tree roots and some bright green rock at the side of Elora Gorge, Ontario, Canada.

Live Oaks - Carolina 2000

09 Mar 2012 4 10 172
Live Oaks and Spanish Moss

Sunset & trees Clayton lake 2003

Wisley rock garden Panorama 1

11 Mar 2013 163
Panoramic view of the Wisley rock gardens

Image2 Yellow Crocus'

DSCF2472a -1 Daphne 'Jaqueline Postill' flower

05 Mar 2013 100
Previously had this incorrectly as Dianthus - sorry memory failure. Flowering now shows just how good Spring has been, the shrub is described as evergreen flowering late Winter, richly fragrant lilac pink flowers, harmful if eaten (why would you?)

Image4a Crocus Pollen 2013

DSCF2599b Magnolia Stellata flower

DSCF2492a Viburnam flower buds

DSCF2511b Daphne 'Jaqueline Postill' flower

DSCF2524 Daphne "Jaqueline Postill" flower

DSCF2528c Hostas on the way

DSCF2536a Clematis Cartmanii 'Joe'

DSCF2548a Berries on Ivy - food for the birds

DSCF2564a Magnolia Stellata bud

Magnolia Stellata flower

437 items in total