Tree Peony

Hidcote Manor

Folder: Flowers - Fleurs - Blumen
Botanical Garden. Fantastic, a must see.

Tree Peony



Black and Blue

20 Sep 2009 1 214
Deadly Monkshood. DO NOT EAT! This plant was used mashed up as the poison of choice for medieval executions on death row. No antidote. And yet, it is a common garden flower - I have a number myself.

Pond at Hidcote Manor (Panorama)

21 Sep 2009 255
The Pond room. Made from 4 frames!

PInk Dhalia

Just a strange star-like flower

Red hot pokers, 2 by 2


11 Sep 2014 277
Lovely metal and ceramic flowers in the garden.

Red dhalias


Perfect Pompom