The Thomas Hardy Trail

The Thomas Hard Trail

11 Jun 2017

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246 visits

The Thomas Hardy Trail

Along the beautiful trail from Kingston Maurward to Stinsford, Dorset. Along the footpaths Thomas Hardy would have walked to the church and the school in his early years.

11 Jun 2017

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252 visits

Stinsford Church

St. Michael's Church has a stained glass window dedicated to the memory of Thomas Hardy, which was paid for by public subscription in 1930. It features the colours of Egdon Heath, the setting for Hardy's novel, 'The Return of the Native'.

11 Jun 2017

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376 visits

Stinsford Church

St Michael's Church, is a place of pilgrimage for visitors from all over the world who enjoy the novels and poetry of Thomas Hardy. The thirteenth century Church is where he was baptised and is the model for Mellstock Church in "Under the Greenwood Tree".

11 Jun 2017

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277 visits

Stinsford church

The Dorset village of Stinsford is little more than a cluster of cottages and farm buildings on the outskirts of Dorchester. Located down a quiet lane stands the medieval church of St Michael. Most people seek out Stinsford to visit the grave of Thomas Hardy, whose novels evoked the spirit of the Dorset countryside in settings just like this. Hardy used Stinsford church as the model for Mellstock Church in his novel 'Under the Greenwood Tree'.

11 Jun 2017

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369 visits


Three Bears Cottage, along the Hardy Trail. The raised relief of the bears can just about be seen on the thatch of the house and smaller building.