Empty shop! Wincanton

Wincanton Buildings and Streets.

11 Mar 2018

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546 visits

Empty shop! Wincanton

Clementina & Co - I will miss this shop more than any other in the town! It was a hardware store and so much more and a big plus was that they had a car park! It was in the same family for almost 100 years but the last owner sadly died recently. It has been sold and if rumours are correct, it will become one of two things...I will have to wait and see!!

11 Mar 2018

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660 visits

Divine Wines....Speaks for itself!

Wincanton ~ Divine Wines is on the High Street and also has an excellent cafe. Below is Hooga Coffee which is on the corner of the High Street and Carrington Way, opposite the wine shop. Showing the corner of Carrington way and the High Street.

11 Mar 2018

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840 visits

Former Police Station ~ 1856

The old Police Station in North Street, Wincanton, built 1856 and is now 4 houses and Grade II listed. Below is the Old Court House also in North Street.

11 Mar 2018

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761 visits

Discworld Emporium, Wincanton

Taken from their website: 'Come and discover the original bricks and mortar Discworld shop, founded by Sir Terry Pratchett and Bernard & Isobel Pearson in beautiful Somerset, land of Cheddar cheese and cider apples, where the ancient barrow-pimpled landscape will transport you across the Chalk to Ankh-Morpork's official twin town here in Wincanton.' www.discworldemporium.com

11 Mar 2018

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539 visits

Wincanton Town Hall

Town Hall and Community Office. From the High Street looking towards the Market Place.

11 Mar 2018

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487 visits

Market Place, Wincanton

I often wish I had taken photos of Wincanton 30 years ago to compare all the changes, so being Sunday and knowing there would not be many people about, I went into town and took as many as I could to compare with future changes. More will follow. I lived in the town for almost 20 years but have lived in a nearby village for the past 16 years.

11 Mar 2018

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377 visits

Wincanton High Street

I often wish I had taken photos of Wincanton 30 years ago to compare all the changes, so being Sunday and knowing there would not be many people about, I went into town and took as many as I could to compare with future changes. More will follow. I lived in the town for almost 20 years but have lived in a nearby village for the past 16 years. For many years the shop in this picture was a shoe shop and I was sorry to see it close. It is now two shops, one being a material and sewing machine shop which, if there had to be a replacement, suits me very well.

11 Mar 2018

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563 visits

Wincanton High Street

I often wish I had taken photos of Wincanton 30 years ago to compare all the changes, so being Sunday and knowing there would not be many people about, I went into town and took as many as I could to compare with future changes. More will follow. I lived in the town for almost 20 years but have lived in a nearby village for the past 16 years.

05 Jul 2020

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367 visits

St Peter & St Paul's Church, Wincanton.

Walking through the churchyard before taking this picture, I was pleased to see that a memorial stone on the grave of Nathaniel Ireson (1685-1769) and many of his family members, had been newly restored (PiP). He rebuilt much of the centre of Wincanton following a fire in 1707. If you are interested here is a link with more about him and the statue. www.wincantonwindow.co.uk/restored-nathaniel-ireson-statue-being-unveiled-monday.htm
11 items in total