Once the Miller's Cottage

Cutt Mill at Hinton St Mary

01 Sep 2017

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342 visits

Once the Miller's Cottage

A little more about the Mill taken from Dorset Life magazine......"The origins of Cut Mill are lost in the mists of Norman and Saxon history. The present stone, bricks and mortar date from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries but there has been a mill on this site for many hundreds of years. Given that watermills were introduced to England by the Romans and that there was a Roman villa barely half-a-mile up the hill, it is not inconceivable that there was a mill here almost 2000 years ago. There was certainly one 1000 years later, when William the Conqueror’s Domesday Book of 1086 names Hinton St Mary as one of 226 working watermills in use in Dorset, plus 34 on Crown land."

01 Sep 2017

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308 visits

Cutt Mill ~ HDR

Cut Mill, on the River Stour at Hinton St Mary, near Sturminster Newton.The location is half-a-mile down a narrow lane thought to be a Saxon hollow way. I set the camera on HDR for this shot and I would be interested to know which of the two pictures you prefer, if you have the time.

01 Sep 2017

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263 visits

Weir on the Stour

01 Sep 2017

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305 visits

Step by Old Step

01 Sep 2017

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298 visits

Cutt Mill ~ Another Aspect.