A Big Wind-up!?

Bruton, Somerset.

15 Aug 2017

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254 visits

A Big Wind-up!?

Bruton, Somerset.

15 Aug 2017

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243 visits

Bruton, Somerset

A very narrow road in Bruton that has made the news several times when lorries using a sat-nav have become stuck in the very narrow opening! The notice says - Don't try your luck...you will only get stuck! High on the hill is Bruton Dovecote, a limestone tower that was built around the 15th century. The structure was once used as a dovecote, and may have been a watchtower prior to this for Bruton Abbey. A PiP showing a sign outside a pub just around the corner on the High Steet!!

15 Aug 2017

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283 visits

Packhorse Bridge, Bruton.

The 15th century single span Packhorse Bridge over the River Brue. It connects the High Street to Silver Street through Elliott Barton, one of numerous Barton alleyways connecting to the High Street.

15 Aug 2017

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255 visits

Stepping Stones.

Across the River Brue at Bruton.

15 Aug 2017

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312 visits

Hugh Sexey's Hospital

ALMSHOUSES: Hugh Sexey’s Hospital was founded in 1638 under the Will of Hugh Sexey who died in 1619. He appointed Trustees to oversee his accumulated wealth and Estates. “Upon trust and confidence that the said estates shall be employed to such charitable and good used as the said Trustees should appoint”. The original Hospital housed 12 men and 12 women. In the intervening years additional buildings were constructed and part of the site was used as a school. Excess funds from the landed estates were used for the provisions of educational grants to local schools. TODAY: The welfare of residents and day to day management of the Hospital is overseen by the Master, a Matron, Assistant Matron, Housekeeper and Gardener. There are currently 21 residents within the Hospital. (Taken from their current website) Best viewed full screen.

15 Aug 2017

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316 visits

Crown Barton, Bruton.

Crown Barton, one of four Bartons on Bruton High Street leading to Lower Backway and the River Brue.

15 Aug 2017

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261 visits

St Catherine Hill.

Bruton, Somerset.

19 Jul 2018

41 favorites


398 visits

HFF Everyone!

The Plox, Bruton.

14 Jul 2013

44 favorites


497 visits

HFF Everyone!

St Mary's Church, Bruton, Somerset.
13 items in total