Near Walden Pond, 2003

2003, Boston With Lauren

01 Jan 2003

115 visits

Near Walden Pond, 2003

Love on the rocks.

20 Oct 2004

116 visits

Boston, 2003

At the city house ;)

20 Oct 2004

100 visits

Boston Common, 2003

Leaf peepers

20 Oct 2004

92 visits

Boston Common, 2003

21 Oct 2004

104 visits

2003, Boston with Lauren

At Friendly's, her favorite restaurant since she was five. Like me, still trying to connect the dots.

22 Oct 2004

129 visits

Salem, MA, 2003

Saying goodbye to their men.

22 Oct 2004

118 visits

Salem, MA, 2003

23 Oct 2004

99 visits

Near Walden Pond, 2003