Christmas, 1979 - Rolling Meadows

1979 Christmas

Christmas, 1979 - Rolling Meadows

20 Jan 2010 117
Snoopy accompanies Elise for moral support .

Christmas, 1979 - Rolling Meadows

18 Mar 2010 145
Grammie's domain

Christmas, 1979

18 Mar 2010 124
Yeah, I got into the holiday cooking wine, what of it??!!

Christmas, 1979 - Rolling Meadows

20 Jan 2010 115
Christmas dinner I think. Mom's traditional Jesus's birthday cake on the table.

Christmas, 1979 - Rolling Meadows

20 Jan 2010 112
Lauren dipping into Jesus's birthday cake, my mom's tradition. We weren't exactly what would be called a deeply religeous family. In fact, our churchgoing was limited to a few occasions a year, when I would be compelled to reintroduce myself to the Sunday school teachers. That not withstanding, when we were kids my mother would unfailingly hold a Jesus birthday party at our house and invite all the kids in the neighborhood to come over and celebrate. She would have us gather around the table, upon which was an angelfood cake with white frosting and a single lit candle, and have us sing, "happy birthday, dear Jesus, happy birthday to you..." She is now 92 and she had the party right on schedule last Christmas and we all sang.

Christmas, 1979 - Rolling Meadows

20 Jan 2010 128
Lauren likes her cake

Christmas, 1979 - Rolling Meadows

Christmas, 1979 - Rolling Meadows

Christmas, 1979 - Rolling Meadows

20 Jan 2010 135
Grandpa makes a point

Christmas, 1979 - Rolling Meadows

20 Jan 2010 143
Grandpa gets help decorating the tree.

Christmas, 1979 - Rolling Meadows

20 Jan 2010 164
Grandpa gets help decorating the tree.

Christmas, 1979

20 Jan 2010 150
Lauren and Elise help grandpa decorate the tree.

Christmas, 1979 - Rolling Meadows

20 Jan 2010 143
Grandpa gets help decorating the tree.

Christmas, 1979 - Rolling Meadows

20 Jan 2010 158
Grandpa gets help decorating the tree. The old man's back is going to hurt for a month for sure...

Christmas, 1979 - Rolling Meadows

20 Jan 2010 141
Grandpa gets help decorating the tree.

Christmas, 1979

20 Jan 2010 2 2 163
Lauren and Elise making ready for the Claus. Submitted to the Vintage Photos Theme Park for the theme, NIGHTCLOTHES (pajamas, nightgowns, robes, etc.)

Christmas, 1979

20 Jan 2010 132
Prepped and ready for Santa. Pretty excited.

Christmas, 1979 - Rolling Meadows

20 Jan 2010 142
Grandpa gets help decorating the tree.

41 items in total