Page from photo album my grandfather made for my father, about 1964

Dad's Family Album

Page from photo album my grandfather made for my f…

30 Sep 2012 170
He and his wife, Pauline, had five sons.

My great-great grandfather, Adam Grossenbach, a ta…

30 Sep 2012 2 195
He and wife Pauline had five sons.

Page from photo album my grandfather made for my f…

30 Sep 2012 159
Page from photo album my grandfather made for my father, about 1964

Hulda Grosh Grossenbach, born 1866, died 1896

30 Sep 2012 167
My great grandfather married her sister after Hulda's death and they had one child together.

My great grandfather, Charles Grossenbach, born 18…

30 Sep 2012 142
My great grandfather, Charles Grossenbach, born 1862. Died prior to 1920

Great Grandmother Juliena Myhrvold Olsen, born in…

My great grandfather, Charles (Carl) Olsen, born N…

30 Sep 2012 142
My great grandfather, Charles (Carl) Olsen, born Norway 1860, died 1944.

Page from photo album my grandfather made for my f…

30 Sep 2012 149
Page from photo album my grandfather made for my father, about 1964

Grossenbach siblings, Johanna (Kate), Rudolph, and…

30 Sep 2012 1 1 201
Amazing lacework on the clothes of the two youngest children

Page from photo album my grandfather made for my f…

30 Sep 2012 126
Page from photo album my grandfather made for my father, about 1964

Grandpa Rudy, 4 yrs. old, 1892

30 Sep 2012 143
Grandpa Rudy, 4 yrs. old, 1892

My paternal grandfather Rudolph Grossenbach, 25 yr…

30 Sep 2012 136
Born 1888, died 1968

Page from photo album my grandfather made for my f…

30 Sep 2012 134
Page from photo album my grandfather made for my father, about 1964

Grandmother, Anna Olsen, and her sister, Margaret,…

30 Sep 2012 2 3 194
Submitted to the Vintage PHotos Theme Park for this week's "Hair" theme, golden ringlets streaming down.

Anna Olsen Grossenbach, 1910

30 Sep 2012 1 1 296
Born 1890, died 1963

Page from photo album my grandfather made for my f…

30 Sep 2012 123
Page from photo album my grandfather made for my father, about 1964

My grandmother, Anna Olsen, about 1906

30 Sep 2012 159
My grandmother, Anna Olsen, about 1906

Anna Olsen, about 1911

30 Sep 2012 116
Anna Olsen, about 1911

154 items in total