October Picnic, 1977

1977, October Picnic With the Porters

09 Oct 1977

177 visits

October Picnic, 1977

Elise, Jennifer, Laurie, and Jackie. Late entry for the VPTP theme, "In A Row"

09 Oct 1977

13 visits

October Picnic With the Porters, 1977

09 Oct 1977

42 visits

October Picnic With the Porters, 1977

09 Oct 1977

18 visits

October Picnic With the Porters, 1977

Jane, Mary and Laurie

09 Oct 1977

120 visits

October Picnic With the Porters, 1977

09 Oct 1977

174 visits

October Picnic With the Porters, 1977


09 Oct 1977

171 visits

October Picnic With the Porters, 1977

Jane and Elise

09 Oct 1977

122 visits

October Picnic With the Porters, 1977

09 Oct 1977

20 visits

October Picnic With the Porters, 1977

10 items in total