Someone's in the kitchen in the Vintage Photos Theme Park

Army Times - 1970-71

Someone's in the kitchen in the Vintage Photos The…

07 Sep 2007 1 1 157
While I was packing to leave for the Army the following day, my intended, my mother, and my sister were preparing dinner...and drinking a bottle of champagne EACH in the process. Can you tell? Ugh, those '70s colors!

Army Times - 1970-71

07 Sep 2007 149
Drink, eat and be merry.

Army Times - 1970-71

07 Sep 2007 59
I was a little astonished to come upon this scene of frivolity on the eve of my departure for military service. Yuk it up, girls.

Army Times - 1970-71

Army Times - 1970-71

17 Jul 1982 140
Mom, trying to salvage some fragment of propriety and failing.

Army Times - 1970-71

17 Jul 1982 140
I'm accused of being a spoil-sport for not joining the revelry.

Army Times - 1970-71

07 Sep 2007 150
Dinner is served.

Army Times - 1970-71

30 Jun 2009 120
Fort Campbell, Kentucky,Basic Training Squad: bottom row: Craig Harmon, me, Eric Gomez. All these guys were reservists, heading home after the party, except me.

Army Times - 1970-71

05 Dec 2009 166
I've been in basic training for eight weeks and I'm REALLY happy to see you.

Army Times - 1970-71

05 Jul 2009 149
Beetle Bailey greeted by his ma.

Army Times - 1970-71

05 Dec 2009 137
Me and the future missus making wedding plans. At the time, I was making $63.60/month as an army Private. No wonder she's laughing.

Army Times - 1970-71

05 Dec 2009 113
Eight weeks of basic training and I'm a coiled, lethal spring. With Mary and my sister, Karen.

Army Times - 1970-71

05 Dec 2009 137
March, 1970: I arrived at Fr. Hollabird in the Baltimore suburbs to find that our training classes were delayed. We spent two months painting rocks but our weekends were mostly our own. We went to the Maryland shore one weekend. It was freezing. Ed C. and Paul B.

Army Times - 1970-71

05 Dec 2009 131
We went to the shore to break the monotony of waiting for our classes to begin. It was freezing. John B., Ed C. and Paul B.

Army Times - 1970-71

05 Dec 2009 138
We went to the shore to break the monotony of waiting for our classes to begin. It was freezing. Ed C. and Paul B.

Army Times - 1970-71 AIT, Ft. Holabird, MD

30 Jun 2009 139
We were nearly all fresh out of college and behaved as if we were still there. Ed C and Rocky R at cocktail hour

Army Times - 1970-71 AIT, Ft. Holabird, MD

30 Jun 2009 128
Ed C naps while Dave A and Rocky pray over him.

Army Times - 1970-71 AIT, Ft. Holabird, MD

30 Jun 2009 138
Ed's hat, Ed, John G

42 items in total