Day 19

Infrared Stuff

Shots from an infrared-converted d100 (up through the Spain trip) and d80 (from "Blue Lake in Infrared" on). Many of the shots were converted using IrfanView, before I discovered that ViewNX2 does a much cleaner job with the NEF-JPG conversion. A few have subsequently replaced with better conversions -- you should easily be able to tell the difference.

Unfortunately, some were taken with a sec…  (read more)


23 Oct 2011 76
Some of the dolmens near Gor, east of Granada

Dolmen Hike

05 Nov 2011 56
Hiking in the valley near the dolmens at Gor


14 Nov 2011 91
Near the dolmens at Gor


05 Nov 2011 52
Sunrise over the beach

Valle de Ordesa

Valle de Ordesa

Valle de Ordesa

Valle de Ordesa

Valle de Ordesa

Valle de Ordesa

Valle de Ordesa

30 Oct 2011 62
Not a big fan of how the shadow cuts off the waterfall, but look at the strangely exaggerated depth in the little canyon. Weird.

Valle de Ordesa

Valle de Ordesa

Valle de Ordesa

Valle de Ordesa

Valle de Ordesa

Valle de Ordesa

Valle de Ordesa

30 Oct 2011 51
This was an irridescent, indigo-blue bug I found lying (dead) on the trail. I had hoped that it would look more interesting in infrared than it does (Kurt's hand, though, looks unsettlingly synthetic). Regrettably my color shots of this bug didn't turn out at all. The Sigma 10-20 is apparently not meant for macro shots -- who knew?

1142 items in total