Day 19

Infrared Stuff

Shots from an infrared-converted d100 (up through the Spain trip) and d80 (from "Blue Lake in Infrared" on). Many of the shots were converted using IrfanView, before I discovered that ViewNX2 does a much cleaner job with the NEF-JPG conversion. A few have subsequently replaced with better conversions -- you should easily be able to tell the difference.

Unfortunately, some were taken with a sec…  (read more)

On the Lake

Infrared Moab

22 Apr 2012 95
Park Avenue (aka Mt. Futuramamore)

Infrared Moab

22 Apr 2012 96
Park Avenue

Infrared Moab

22 Apr 2012 73
The Fiery Furnace

Meyer Ranch

17 Jun 2012 67
Testing out some further calibration with the d80IR.

Still Life With Crawfish Boil

09 Jun 2012 67
Not very appetizing.

Infrared Test

18 Jun 2012 79
Trying out the new 18-200 lens on the d80IR body.

Disenchanted Forest

02 Jul 2012 87
IR + fisheye + half-dead trees = Hansel and Gretel nightmare. (In the forest near Strbske Pleso, Slovakia)

Disenchanted Forest

02 Jul 2012 72
IR + fisheye + half-dead trees = Hansel and Gretelian nightmare. (In the forest near Strbske Pleso, Slovakia)

Disenchanted Forest

02 Jul 2012 63
IR + fisheye + half-dead trees = Hansel and Gretel nightmare. (In the forest near Strbske Pleso, Slovakia)

In a Dark Wood

02 Jul 2012 1 100
"Hansel? Gretel?"

In a Dark Wood

02 Jul 2012 61
"Hansel? Gretel?"

In a Dark Wood

02 Jul 2012 80
"Hansel? Gretel?"

Velická Dolina and Połský Hrebeň

05 Jul 2012 93
Sliezsky Dom and Velický Pleso

Velická Dolina and Połský Hrebeň

05 Jul 2012 79
Sliezsky Dom and Velický Pleso

Velická Dolina and Połský Hrebeň

05 Jul 2012 82
Collecting images over Velicky Pleso lake for an infrared timelapse, using the converted D80 and the much-adulterated intervalometer. Clearly some sort of hanging loop (or just a patch of Velcro) would be a useful addition to the intervalometer. It annoyed me to have to let it drag on the ground or (with the tripod at full height) to risk dangling it from the D80's remote jack even for a moment until I could loop the cable around one of the ball-head knobs. It worked, though, which is the important thing. Was very pleased not to have had any trouble with the intervalometer at all. Did discover that I need a faster-access card in the D80 if I'm going to do RAW images at an interval shorter than 4 seconds, but any card I had could handle JPEGs at the intervalometer's shortest (1 second) setting.

Skalnaté Pleso

07 Jul 2012 69
Taking an infrared video of the gondola going back and forth to Lomnický Štít.

Skalnaté Pleso

1142 items in total