Rocket Park, KSC

Flat Scans

Scans of old prints.

31 Oct 2009

1 comment

99 visits

Rocket Park, KSC

A LEM (left), LES/CSM/LMA stack, and an F-1A engine (Saturn V). Taken during a visit in late June, 1976. This area is now part of the KSC visitor center, and some of these same bits and pieces are probably still on display .

31 Oct 2009

94 visits

Rocket Park, KSC

An Atlas (left) and Thor (right). Taken during a visit in late June, 1976. This area is now part of the KSC visitor center, and some of these same bits and pieces are probably still on display .

31 Oct 2009

71 visits

Home Sweet Home

My parents' first house, with Dad's Mustang in the driveway.

31 Oct 2009

88 visits

Traverse City Asylum Dairy Farm

A closeup from this image , looking north along Brook Drive towards the old dairy farm at the Traverse City State Hospital, in Traverse City, Michigan. (ca. 1965) The building with the white cupolas just behind the telephone pole on the left is one of the two remaining barns (the one with the pitched rather than ogee roof...that one is just out of frame to the left). The castellated firewall can easily be recognized as the shadow in the middle of the roof. The buildings a bit further to the right are unfamiliar to me - they're not there now, but the picture does remind me that I have always had this vague memory of some other buildings being there that were similar to the remaining pitched-roof barn. The building behind the tree on the left is completely unfamiliar, and appears to be where Engstrom School stood in the 1970s through 1990s. From what I have read about the history of the complex, they must have been torn down in the early 1970s, probably when I was just old enough to remember seeing them. The flat-roofed garage buildings in this area (if they're still there) could have been the foundations of these missing barns. The picture has a very strange depth quality to it - the farm buildings are a good quarter of a mile away or more, but look here like they're just at the end of the street.

07 Nov 2009

170 visits

Swingset at the Lake

Early fall 1970. Myself and my brothers and two eldest cousins on the swingset at my grandmother's resort, on Thayer Lake between the villages of Alden and Clam Lake, Michigan. If I remember correctly, the cottage on the left was named "Doug" after my older brother (in the seat with me), and the one on the right is "Debbie", named after my cousin (on the leftmost swing).

23 Dec 2009

92 visits


...and now.