The Target

2007 Mt. Massive Hike

Folder: Colorado Hikes
Finally peaked on the third try, thanks to at last having minimally-cooperative weather.

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27 May 2007

66 visits

The Target

The saddle is the notch to the left, the first false summit is the little bump on the ridge as you move right, and the summit proper is the high point of the ridge at the center of the image.

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27 May 2007

89 visits

Mt. Elbert

Mt. Elbert, which is only slightly higher than Mt. Massive but looks much taller due to it smaller bulk and more-defined summit.

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27 May 2007

86 visits


Trees on the edge of the "photogenic outcrop".

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27 May 2007

77 visits

The Photogenic Outcrop

The unnamed outcrop near the base of Mount Oklahoma, which seems to look good from any angle or elevation.

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27 May 2007

73 visits

Bride's Train

A dust-striped delta of snow near the SW Massive Trail staircase.

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27 May 2007

65 visits

Mt. Oklahoma

The 13er across the valley from Mt. Massive.

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27 May 2007

79 visits


Mt. Elbert and clouds.

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27 May 2007

79 visits

Snow on the Mountainside

This is roughly where we got lost the first time I tried Massive, precisely because a snow patch like this obscured the trail to the saddle.

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27 May 2007

102 visits

Long Way Down

"We hiked all the way up that? And we're still not at the top yet?"
22 items in total