
other nature

so many ways to be green

15 Apr 2019 29 47 498
SSC - backlighting at Powers Marine Park

evening light

26 Oct 2019 9 20 455
unaltered phone photo. should i process it a bit? do tell.

plant with flower

smoke layer

09 Sep 2020 30 25 349
before the smoke obliterated the sky

blue clouds and moon



21 Jan 2022 29 28 431
Our club needs us. Be sure to read:

cloud spray

white tree bird

13 Feb 2022 54 47 462
a tree from my neighborhood. a very grey day - but beautiful.

the sky's the limit

03 Mar 2022 34 31 316
'the sky's the limit' (someone said they liked the title being added to the description because the title's aren't translated - maybe that will change soon *smile* - because, well, the sky's the limit when we try and try again.)

46 items in total