Ragnheidur's photos


21 Jan 2011 2 936
Last summer I made those pictures (with some ps help from friends :o) - for Leikfélag Akureyrar (a theater in Akureyri)..... I absolutely had fun taking the pictures (which were around 1000 LOL) and learned "hips" in photoshop during the process.

The first....

21 Jul 2010 14 3 1131
that is the first abandoned house I stopped by to take some pictures on our vacation last summer - now I am not so sure it was abandoned :o)

Happy 2011 and....

30 Dec 2010 6 3 1182
may the years to come bring you happiness and good feelings....

My old guitar

06 Dec 2010 8 1125
Arngrímur helping me with a school project. We were supposed to use lights to create some movements or maybe leave a question for the viewer - so instead of explaining the light I´ll leave it as a question for now ;o)

Santa´s baby LOL

21 Dec 2010 7 4 1058
LOL - I absolutely love this one :o) Kristinn Logi had the glasses with him for furn an Alexander wanted to try them...


21 Dec 2010 2 2 740
He stopped for 1 sec for me to take 1 picture :o)

A smile?

21 Dec 2010 5 3 755
Kind of a smile :o)

Something ducky???

21 Dec 2010 644
These ducks you can buy on an icelandic vebsite http://www.stundir.is - we have 4 of them and really love them... actually they are small :o)

There is something going one!!

21 Dec 2010 2 1 560
I am not loosing "it" really lol - just made a few of these for my sons for the fun of it :o)

Here I am

21 Dec 2010 4 676
This dog´s name is Sara - my sons favorite... He really helped me make this composition and REALLY likes it ;o)

My sister

26 Nov 2010 9 6 1245
She is the best singer in the whoooole world!!! :o) Her first cd just got out today... here is a song from it... http://www.youtube.com/user/ragnheidura?feature=mhum#p/u/0/_RQFwMWKs5Q I took the pictures for her cd... :o) ABSOLUTELY LOVE ALL OF HER SONGS!!!


24 Oct 2010 10 4 1610
What can I say! These are the persons occupying my life :o) LUCKY ME!!! Still at school - learning more about photography which I absolutely love...! Am thinking about doing a picture a day or a week here to keep me a little pressure on! Am still taking pictures almost every day but have been lazy "working on them" as my computer has been getting slow BUT now I have a new one - Imac (got it 7 days ago and have returned it once because it always shuts down now and then AND the "new" one is doing a similar thing - so I am not that happy with it at the moment - will get the third one tomorrow - sigh).... As that problem solves I will be up and running :o)

All of me

30 Aug 2010 15 1 1743
These pictures of my sons were taken this summer, on my oldest one's 14th birthday :o) We spent the day on Rauðisandur which I will upload pictures from later - we all had a great summer, Iceland managed to be on the sunny side almost all our vacation! The fact that that the picture of my middle one is not (sigh) like the other two is mainly due to the fact that he almost never sits still (really) so it is hard to take a "still" picture of him... (looking at him I see so much of my self - he manages to say things without thinking, never sits still for more then a few seconds and tells jokes that so many don´t understand hihi - OF COURSE I UNDERSTAND THEM AND THINK THEY ARE HILARIOUS ;O) To view bigger

Sealed it with a KISS :o)

24 Jul 2010 72 11 3196
From a resent trip to the "Vestfjörds" of Iceland. They were a pleasant addition to my family pictures from that trip... The title - well - one of my favorite songs :o)

Winners :o)

12 Jul 2010 7 5 1721
Jehey - we actually did WIN :o) As some of you might have noticed I´ve been participating, with my team http://www.imagio.is for the past 3 months on http://www.dpchallenge.com :o) Here you can see the pictures that scored the highest for our team each week http://www.dpchallenge.com/league/league_team_profile_entries.php?DPL_TEAM_ID=107&DPL_SEASON_ID=2&view=season_average So - today we are VERY happy :o)

Absolut Original

28 Jun 2010 34 4 2124
7th place http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=894282 this week.. My team is now fighting for the 1rst seat in a competition on DPC. We started as 51 teams and now there are 2 teams left in the finals :o) We will know next Monday morning who is the winner :o) This is one of my models from my final project in school...

Some seconds, back in time...

14 Jun 2010 46 3 2165
Taken for a long exposure challenge on dpc... http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=891736 Hand-held for 1 second I believe :o) Really liked the effect of the grass, it was VERY windy that day.. There are some brilliant locations all around us here in Reykjavík - this is one of them...

An ode to W. Eugene Smith´s Angelo

13 Jun 2010 10 2940
This was shot for a dpc challenge... the challenge was to re-take an old picture and I chose one of my all time favorite - W. Eugene Smith :o) http://www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=890974 here you can see a copy of the original http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?158674-ANGELO-KLONIS-The-Real-Life-Story-of-an-Army-Soldier-Turned-American-Icon

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