Ragnheidur's photos


13 Feb 2011 22 2 1302
School project. We got pictures to "copy" - don´t know where the original is but it is somewhere on the huge internet :o)

Spiritus denaturatus

26 Feb 2011 16 2067
Found this stunning kitchen and bottle in an old store which had a lot of the old stuff lying around all the place. Newspapers since 1967, rice, oatmeal boxes and a lot of more interesting things including this bottle.

Sublime 1

26 Feb 2011 18 3 1111
This was an attempt to show what Sublime COULD look like - or Be :O)

Sublime 2

26 Feb 2011 16 2 1302
This was an attempt to show what Sublime COULD look like - or Be :o)

Looking the other way :o)

25 Feb 2011 37 1 1694
I think he was trying to ignore me LOL


26 Feb 2011 17 3 2464
Do you see what I see? LOL This is taken in a very old and scary house! Well, maybe not that scary but it was dark and ghost friendly ;o)

My first and.....

14 Feb 2011 10 1 1372
probably the last little planet I make :o) Took a bunch of pic´s yesterday and stitched them together in ps... Kind of fun to see how it turns out although I will not turn my world upside down for this LOL... Taken close to where I live in Álftanes. Got married to my husband in this church almost 8 years ago - Garðakirkja...

Light project....

08 Feb 2011 11 2 1461
We got this project in school to copy the light in a picture... We all got different pictures and the one I got had no snow in it but was taken outside WHICH made things a little complicated :o)

The last stop

18 Jan 2011 20 1212
Not much to say here - just a very blue picture!


18 Jan 2011 30 1 1237
A part of the farm which is called Þorpar.

The farmer

18 Jan 2011 4 942
The only farmer we met on the Vestfjords - his farm is called Þorpar.

Our friend again

17 Jan 2011 22 3 1443
He posed for me and my classmates :o)

The OTHER jeep :o)

17 Jan 2011 13 1 1499
We travelled 8 together on 2 jeeps - I was driving one and "the teacher" is the owner of this terrific monster... The house we stayed in is there in the background.

Just another Icelandic road

17 Jan 2011 13 1 1236
This is a very common sight all around Iceland in the winter time whereas we don´t have that much traffic that "far away from the BIG towns.

The house :o)

17 Jan 2011 4 1 1163
Our house these three days. It had no heat nor hot water - so it was a little back to the past experience (although not OUR past ;o)


16 Jan 2011 6 1010
The visibility was not over 10km all these days - but we made the best from what we had... (this is actually taken during the hours of a stuck car ;o)

Far FAR away

16 Jan 2011 5 914
Although the visibility was just a few hundred meters (we did not actually see far FAR away) - we took a lot of fun pictures using the minimalism we got from the situation.

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