Proxar's photos

Mary Church

15 Jun 2014 9 1 100
The historic Church of the Presentation of the Virgin Mary (1660) in Pirgos.


15 Jun 2014 16 6 127
Particularly worth seeing in Pirgos (Pyrgos) are the churches.

From a bird's eye view

Landscape near Ancient Thera

Agios Stefanos

21 Jun 2014 11 5 114
Near the excavation site of Old Thera is the church of Ag. Stephanos, built on the remains of an early Christian basilica around the 5th century BC.

Ancient Thera

21 Jun 2014 6 1 89
Ancient Thera is much younger than Akrotiri and lies on a promontory to the east of Santorini. The first settlement probably took place before the 9th century. Remains from the 7th and 6th centuries have been discovered. Most of the ruins, however, date from the Ptolemaic period.

Ancient Thera

21 Jun 2014 9 3 98
In the background you can see the island of Anáfi.

At the donkey station

18 Jun 2014 15 6 101
Bis vor einigen Jahren konnten sich Touristen von den Kreuzfahrtschiffen noch auf den Rücken von Eseln und Maultieren hoch zu den weißen Dörfern transportieren lassen. Meines Wissens wurde diese Tierquälerei nach jahrelangen Protesten von Tierschützern inzwischen eingestellt.

Houses at the crater rim

Houses at the crater rim - HFF:-)

Houses at the crater rim

Houses at the crater rim

17 Jun 2014 9 3 86
A quite expensive hotel...

Schilderwald / Traffic sign jungle :-)

19 Jun 2014 17 8 113
Ein Verkehrsübungeplatz für Kinder? Ich weiß es nicht...

Final resting - HBM :-)

Final resting (II)

89 photos in total

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