Gladys looking out

Others Pets

27 Dec 2008

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177 visits

Gladys looking out

Gladys belongs to friends of mine. She likes to look out the window. (DSC02112)

27 Dec 2008

170 visits

Gladys looking down

Gladys belongs to friends of mine, she likes looking down from this high perch. (DSC02118)

20 Oct 2007

153 visits


These kittens were having a playful scrap. (DSCF0129)

27 Oct 2012

156 visits

Bear - A Three Legged Dog

When I photo'd this dog, I did not know his name. After posting it to the internet I received a comment from his owner who identified him as her dog, Bear, who likes to greet visitors to the covered bridge where I was taking photos. She said that Bear and a canine companion had been shot by unauthorized hunters on a neighbor's farm about eight years before.. The companion dog was killed. Bear's leg was shattered so badly it had to be amputated. Seen at Easley Covered Bridge, Blount County, Alabama (IMG_8037)

28 Dec 2012

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169 visits

Orange Cat

Watching me intently. Perhaps it is a wild stray (IMG_1735)

28 Dec 2012

148 visits

Orange Cat

Watching me intently. Perhaps it is a wild stray (IMG_1738)

12 Apr 2013

136 visits

White Toe

White Toe, a new friend for my dog, Otis See the note in the upper left to find out how White Toe got his name. (IMG_6432)

13 Apr 2013

145 visits

How White Toe Got His Name

White Toe's paw. (DSC04602)

12 Apr 2013

111 visits

Otis Meets White Toe

Otis has almost no interaction with other dogs so I was somewhat apprehensive when White Toe came to visit. They got on quite well, had fun playing together. Otis is on the left, White Toe on the right. (IMG_6433)
16 items in total