Great Horned Owl

Raptors, Owls, and Vultures

Folder: Birds
Including owls and vultures

Great Horned Owl

01 Jun 1998 4 1 458
The owl is from HawkTalk, a raptor rehab center run by Monteen McCord in North Georgia ( It could not be returned to the wild and is an ambassador for the center. Scanned 35mm negative (6W012)

Bald Eagle on Nest

31 Jan 2015 2 5 688
On TVA land near the Lake Guntersville Dam, Alabama (IMG_7593)


03 Sep 2012 241
Not good at identifying hawks, but I think this is an immature red tailed hawk. It is perched on one of the bars on the pole where I hang my bird feeders. Guess it is hoping for a tasty fat dove or one of those furry critters on the ground that glean seeds that fall from the feeders. Taken from the middle of my kitchen through double paned glass doors, Etowah County, Alabama (IMG_3736)


03 Sep 2012 163
Not good a identifying hawks, but I think this is an immature red tailed hawk. It is perched on one of the bars on the pole where I hang my bird feeders. Taken from the middle of my kitchen through double paned glass doors, Etowah County, Alabama (IMG_3735)


03 Sep 2012 236
Not good at identifying hawks, but I think this is an immature red tailed hawk. It is perched on one of the bars on the pole where I hang my bird feeders. Taken from the middle of my kitchen through double paned glass doors, Etowah County, Alabama (IMG_3732)

Red Tailed Hawk

30 Nov 2012 153
As I was watching the birds at my feeders, this one swooped into the woods across the driveway and settled low in the trees. The birds left the feeder as it arrived but returned almost immediately. Guess they weren't worried about it. I think it was probably after one of the furry critters that live in that area. Etowah County, Alabama (IMG_0792)


17 Feb 2011 141
In my woods, Etowah County, Alabama. This bird was about 90 feet away. I was lucky the camera focused through the trees. (IMG_0645)

Barred Owl

30 Jan 2011 187
This guy had been whoo whooing in my woods for several days. Usually all I ever see of it, is it swooping through the woods. I finally got lucky. I saw it land. It was quite far away, silhouetted against late afternoon sun, but my new Canon SX 30 IS with its 35x optical zoom proved its worth. Focused well through the trees, had good low light exposure, great image stabilization, and sufficient megapixels that I could crop it to this size. Good thing too, because he swooped off before I could take a second photo. (IMG_0500)


02 Mar 2013 173
Perry Works Road, Etowah, County, Alabama (IMG_4658)


02 Mar 2013 170
Perry Works Road, Etowah, County, Alabama (IMG_4663)

Black Vulture

26 Nov 2012 178
Soaring over my house in Etowah County, Alabama (IMG_0583)

Hawk Silhouette

08 Apr 2009 152
On a saguaro in Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument (DSC03298)

Red-shouldered Hawk

15 Oct 1988 183
Buteo lineatus - Taken in JN Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge, Sanibel Island, Florida. Scanned 35mm negative (2K016)

Red Shouldered Hawk

01 Oct 1988 186
Buteo lineatus - JN Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge, Sanibel Island, Florida. Scanned 35mm negative. ( 2J033)


01 Oct 1987 240
Turkey vulture (Cathartes aura) - taken October 1987 in the J.N. Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge on Sanibel Island, Florida. Scanned 35m negative. (1H023)

Red-tailed Hawk

01 Jun 1998 186
A hawk from a rehab center. It could not be returned to the wild and is an ambassador for the center. Scanned 35mm negative (6W015)

Screech Owl

14 Jun 2012 4 302
Tennessee Aquarium, Chattanooga, Tennessee (IMG_2589)

Great Horned Owl

15 Jun 1998 184
An owl from a rehab center. It could not be returned to the wild and is an ambassador for the center. Scanned 35mm negative. (6W007)

46 items in total