Lewes - an introduction

Lewes - East Sussex

Folder: South coast counties
There are links to English Heritage's data for the many listed buildings in the descriptions of many of the individual photos.
The odd TV aerial or item of street furniture has been removed from some of these photos, to avoid distracting from these interesting buildings.

Lewes - an introduction

19 Feb 2014 149
An area conservation plan with details of the historic heart of Lewes can be found at www.lewes.gov.uk/Files/plan_CAA_Lewespages39to54.pdf

Lewes Station Platform 1 - 19.2.2014

19 Feb 2014 4 6 269
At about 5.25pm this train will be bringing shoppers and the first London commuters, of the day, to Lewes and then collecting Lewes' workers to go on to Polegate, Hampden Park and Eastbourne.

Lewes 220 - 221 High Street - 19.2.2014

19 Feb 2014 3 210
The English Heritage listing details for these two houses may be found at list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1043793

Lewes Station Platform 3 - 19.2.2014

19 Feb 2014 2 3 273
Commuters heading home from Lewes to Newhaven, Bishopstone & Seaford on the 17.28. Most of the London commuters won't have reached here yet.

Lewes 219 - 224 High Street - 19.2.2014

Lewes - No.15 High Street - 19.2.2014

Lewes - 14 - 24 High Street - 19.2.2014

Lewes - No. 211 High Street - 19.2.2014

19 Feb 2014 1 264
The English Heritage listing details are at list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1043791

Lewes - 204 High Street - 19.2.2014

19 Feb 2014 1 229
This is one of the quirkiest buildings on the High Street, with its canted side. This part of High Street would seem to have been called School Hill at some point in the past. Even on Google Maps it is shown with that label on it although High Street is shown on either side. The english Heritage listing details are at list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1191769

Lewes 19 - 22 High Street - 19.2.2014

19 Feb 2014 3 194
This series of photos of Lewes was taken while I was killing time, after shopping, as I had just missed a half-hourly train home. I wasn't sure how they would come out as the light wasn't good. This is the south side of the street and so is more in shade. I think that the ISO was 800 for most of them. As they are not for prints, I think they are OK. In fact the shop lights make the pictures more lively.

Lewes - 18 & 18a High Street - 19.2.2014

Lewes - 19 High Street - 19.2.2014

19 Feb 2014 1 203
Originally built in 1780 this house, with its carriage entrance to the right, has been converted into a shop. The English Heritage listing is at list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1043861

Lewes - bench on Southover Street - 19.2.2014

19 Feb 2014 1 168
I am sure the intention was a good one, but I really wonder how much protection that shelter gives to people sitting on the bench, it's so high above it.

Lewes - The Lansdown Arms - 19.2.2014

19 Feb 2014 1 195
Benches on a narrow pavement are only there for one purpose - to provide somewhere for customers, and staff probably, to have a smoke, as smoking is banned from all pubs, restaurants, shops etc. This early 19th century pub is listed along with the terrace it is connected to. Its listing is at list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1043788

Lewes - 207 High Street - 19.2.2014

19 Feb 2014 244
The English heritage listing for No. 207 is at list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1191828 Although this appears to be a half-timbered building, the timbers on the first floor are merely decorative. I wonder how many other buildings there are where the timbers are not structural.

Lewes - 205 & 6 High Street - 19.2.2014

19 Feb 2014 192
The English Heritage listing shows that this building was originally built in the 16th Century and 'refronted' in the 18th and modified subsequently, the 20th century with new shop frontages. The listing is at list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1043788

Lewes - 34 - 36 High Street - 19.2.2014

19 Feb 2014 202
Looking on Street View in 2023 the two left hand shops were closed and being offered for rent.

Lewes - 201 High Street - 19.2.2014

188 items in total