Seaford Bay Sunset 26th April 2011

Clouds, sea & sky - sunrise to sunset

Folder: The natural world

Seaford Bay Sunset 26th April 2011

26 Apr 2011 1 273
I see a promising sky from home - gather up my camera and make the walk to the beach. This is the sort of thing I hope for - but all too often the sun sinks behind a solid mass of cloud.

Seaford Bay - 24.12.2011

Seaford Bay at sunset on 15.6.2012

Seaford Bay at sunset on 15.6.2012

Seaford Bay at sunset on 15.6.2012

Cycling into the sunset - England 3 Sweden 2 - S…

15 Jun 2012 250
Cycling on a deserted seafront , while England played Sweden. The couple in the distance were, I think, foreign students or tourists, probably not interested in England's or Sweden's fortunes!

M.V.Seven Sisters - Seaford Bay - 5.7.2012

05 Jul 2012 218
Pastel sky and a peaceful sea, as the evening crossing from Dieppe to Newhaven nears its end.

Seaford Bay - 24.9.2012

Dozing at dusk 23 11 2012

Seaford Bay at sunset - 23.11.2012

23 Nov 2012 201
As with many of my albums, this lot appear on my charity greetings cards. There are several people who select these on a regular basis and are always on the look out for what one of them calls 'moody skies'.

Seaford Bay as the sun goes down - 23.11.2012

Getting in some fishing - 23.11.2012

Sunrise over East Blatchington - 12.1.2012

Sunset over East Blatchington - 12.1.2012

12 Jan 2012 1 158
Some weird cloud formations moving at different speeds!

Sunset on 10.10.2011

10 Oct 2011 153
The sky from our garden. I have no doubt that the sunset over the sea was lovely, but one can't always hang around down there on the off-chance of a nice sky full of fluffy pink clouds. I am not that brilliant at forecasting when a good lightshow is in the offing.

Seaford sunrise 26 10 2011

Sunrise over Seaford 26 10 10

26 Oct 2010 173
I woke up to find the bedroom curtains glowing red & took this shot from the front door. I then went to throw some clothes on, to go around the corner, where there is a view to the east, of Seaford Head, but when I next looked, there was just the palest of pink tinges to the sky - so I didn't rush to get dressed! Unusually for my uploads, this one is straight out of the camera - it hasn't been anywhere near Photoshop Elements. You can see that from the leaning lamp-post to the left - no perspective correction!

Sunset from East Blatchington - Seaford - 5.3.2013

05 Mar 2013 179
Untampered with - apart from the caption! Not actually in my road but almost there.

240 items in total