Tirana- Coppersmith

Albania 2012

Kosovo- Memorial to Two Young Martyrs

05 Sep 2012 92
Next to the Terzijski bridge over the Erenik River at Bistrazin, near Gjakova.

Terzijski Bridge

05 Sep 2012 63
Bistrazin,Near Gjakova, Kosovo.

Prizren- River Bistrica and Ottoman Bridge

Prizren- Sinan Pasha Mosque

Prizren- KFOR (NATO Kosovo Force) Vehicle

05 Sep 2012 83
This one belngs to Aeronautica Militare of Italy.

Prizren- Byzantine Chapel

Prizren- Orthodox Cathedral

Prizren- Sagging Upper Storey

Prizren- Someone Seems to be Dissatisfied

05 Sep 2012 108
The European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) is the largest civilian mission ever launched under the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). The central aim is to assist and support the Kosovo authorities in the rule of law area, specifically in the police, judiciary and customs areas. The mission is not in Kosovo to govern or rule. It is a technical mission which will monitor, mentor and advise whilst retaining a number of limited executive powers. EULEX works under the general framework of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 and has a unified chain of command to Brussels ( www.eulex-kosovo.eu )

Prizren- Ottoman Bridge over the River Bistrica

Railway Bridge near Lezha

05 Sep 2012 80
Taken through a coach window.

Lezha- Skanderbeg Memorial and Site of St. Nichola…

Lezha- Bust of Skanderbeg and Mosaic of the Albani…

Lezha- Orthodox Church

Lezha- Modern Architecture

Lezha- Illyrian Castle

Lezha- Skanderbeg Memorial and Site of St. Nichola…

Shengjini Beach

421 items in total