Beside the Rajang River

Borneo (Sarawak) 2011

Washing Day

13 Apr 2011 57
Mujong Primary Boarding School

Mujong Primary Boarding School

Mujong Primary Boarding School


13 Apr 2011 48
Mujong Primary Boarding School

Enthusiasm in the Infants' Class

13 Apr 2011 44
Mujong Primary Boarding School

Passing the Sportsfield

13 Apr 2011 69
Mujong Primary Boarding School

Mujong Primary Boarding School


13 Apr 2011 40
Mujong Primary Boarding School

Uniform Day at Mujong Primary Boarding School

13 Apr 2011 104
Wednesday is Uniform Day when the children wear the uniform of whichever organization they belong to- in this case, Girl Guides and Red Crescent.

Hole in the Board

13 Apr 2011 38
Mujong Primary Boarding School

Pleased to See Us!

13 Apr 2011 76
Mujong Primary Boarding School

Heavy Load for a Small Boy

13 Apr 2011 63
Mujong Primary Boarding School

Back on Board

13 Apr 2011 67
Louis, our guide, on the Pandaw Adventurer.

Cooking in Bamboo

Cheerful Chef

13 Apr 2011 45
Having left their passengers at Mujong to visit the school and medical centre, the crew of the Pandaw Adventurer proceeded to a beach on the Baleh River where they prepared a superb barbecue lunch. They had brought all the ingredients and equipment from the 'mother ship'. They even set up a well-stocked bar! Of course, the boat returned to Mujong to take us to the barbecue.

It's Almost Ready

13 Apr 2011 58
Our Guide, Louis, seems to be offering advice to the chef.

Logging Man

13 Apr 2011 62
Baleh River, Sarawak

Blue Borneo Butterfly

279 items in total