Menara Gardens

Morocco 2009

Ben Yusuf Medrassa- Student's Cell #1

04 Apr 2009 86

Leather Head

04 Apr 2009 79
Marrakech. This man had just finished picking up his load of hides after dropping them when he was nearly hit by a cyclist. Don't ask me how he could see where he was going!

Colourful Carpet

04 Apr 2009 57

Souvenir Sellers

04 Apr 2009 73
Marrakech. I know I should not have photographed the woman but she walked into shot as I was focusing on the two men with the carpets. Anyway, she did not take offence- perhaps she thought I would buy one of her toy camels.

Break Time

04 Apr 2009 38

A Welcome Rest

04 Apr 2009 64

Poulterer's Pricelist

04 Apr 2009 37

Goat's Head, Anyone?

04 Apr 2009 43

332 items in total