'The Tart with a Cart'

Dublin 2013

12 Mar 2013

79 visits

Kilmainham Jail- Landings in the Panopticon

For information on Kilmainham Jail, see www.tourist-information-dublin.co.uk/kilmainham-jail.htm

12 Mar 2013

105 visits

Through the Spyhole- A Cell in Kilmainham Jail

For information on Kilmainham Jail, see www.tourist-information-dublin.co.uk/kilmainham-jail.htm

12 Mar 2013

105 visits

Place of Execution Following the Easter Rising of 1916. Kilmainham Jail Exercise Yard

For information on Kilmainham Jail, see www.tourist-information-dublin.co.uk/kilmainham-jail.htm

12 Mar 2013

93 visits

Place of Execution Following the Easter Rising of 1916. Kilmainham Jail Exercise Yard

For information on Kilmainham Jail, see www.tourist-information-dublin.co.uk/kilmainham-jail.htm

12 Mar 2013

115 visits

James Joyce- 'The Prick with the Stick'

North Earl Street, Dublin

12 Mar 2013

63 visits

Sunlight Chambers

Built in 1902 as the Dublin headquarters of Lever Bros (of Sunlight soap fame).

12 Mar 2013

119 visits

Sunlight Chambers- Friezes

Built in 1902 as the Dublin headquarters of Lever Bros (of Sunlight soap fame). The friezes depict the history of hygiene.

12 Mar 2013

90 visits

Ha'penny Bridge and River Liffey

12 Mar 2013

88 visits

Ha'penny Bridge and Riverside

32 items in total