- a favorite .. AA26-Archive Airings-Showcase fave of 2013-

TSO / 2013 / Trans-Siberian Orchestra Winter Tour NC

2013 - Winter Tour of
Trans- Siberian Orchestra .. Greensboro Coliseum in North Carolina
- local musicians always included - Greensboro Symphony Orchestra - string ensemble - plus all the talented musicians
- can't forget the people who 'make' this happen
- Manager, light techs, sound techs and people of many other jobs
- work together to give us a night of enjoyment!
- Well done ---- well done …  (read more)

24 Nov 2013

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379 visits

- a favorite .. AA26-Archive Airings-Showcase fave of 2013-

2013 / Trans Siberian Orchestra Winter Tour… - Joel Hoekstra - TSO / Trans Siberian Orchestra - 2013 Winter Tour - two notes added - - Greensboro NC (c) All Rights Reserved

24 Nov 2013

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353 visits

on keyboards ..

- no, don't recall her name, but she can play the heck of all of it! (for The Alphabet Site -K for Keyboard) - maybe if one of y'all have seen her, you could let me know her name .. - this was in Greensboro, NC - TSO -- Trans Siberian Orchestra 2013 Winter Tour (c) All Rights Reserved

24 Nov 2013


329 visits

Roddy . .

Chong - violinist with TSO - Trans Siberian Orchestra Winter Tour - Greensboro NC show - 24 November 2013 ----- 3 notes added ----- (c) All Rights Reserved

24 Nov 2013

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349 visits

TSO 2013 - continued ..

- so far, this is my favorite photo - Joel Hoekstra on acoustic guitar - only musical back up for Kayla Reeves - soft, yet intense [ note added ] (c) All Rights Reserved

24 Nov 2013

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309 visits

TSO / 2013 / Trans Siberian Orchestra Winter Tour…

Chris Coffery .. there are 3 notes on this photo- (c) All Rights Reserved

24 Nov 2013

1 comment

329 visits

TSO / 2013 / Trans Siberian Orchestra Winter Tour…

- Joel Hoekstra notes added - upper left side Greensboro North Carolina 24 November 2013 (c) All Rights Reserved

24 Nov 2013

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338 visits

Before ..

the start of Trans Siberian Orchestra Winter Tour - 2013 .. Chris Caffery, as is done at every show, presents a check to a local charity .. the money comes from those who enjoy TSO .. $1.00 from each ticket adds up .. and helps a local group .. the background is from the lights .. Chris is standing near some equipment .. that moved - went as high as possible and lights --- oh, yes! - more info about this amazingly talented group - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans-Siberian_Orchestra The Show TSO-2013 .. to be seen in pictures .. Here ! (c) Peggy C `13
Countdown ..

24 Nov 2013

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369 visits

Countdown ..

- has begun - TransSiberianOrchestra - aka TSO - will be 'down the road' - got tickets - photog has aisle seat - new Concert Theme this year - talented souls - each and every one - it will be a GREAT experience ! (c) All Rights Reserved - this video is from 2013 TSO concert -