Wooden Orb ...

' Bling ' .. Orbs .. and More ..

© All rights reserved

Orbs/circles are now being done in PhotoShop Elements 6...

Eggs were created using:
Circles created using the circle feature in:

As of 23/July/13 - the Egg feature is still available... not able to get a circle one, though - so, make my photo a square; round the corners into a circle in PicMonkey.

21 Aug 2015

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326 visits

come ..

with The Dreamer in me .. into another world .. where you .. and I .. stop to enjoy .. a pebble on the ground .. clouds drifting overhead .. breezes through our hair .. oh, there is so much to see .. to do .. come .. we have no time to fritter away .. Earth is waiting ! (c) All Rights Reserved Peggy C 2015 - 1 note - original photo -

24 Jun 2015

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320 visits

- the process

- with this one am happy - the shape and tones - a Sabian cymbal - autographed by local and regional musicians - is Art (c) All Rights Reserved

16 Jun 2015

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303 visits

trying again ..

.. layers of softness .. from a burned Magnolia bloom .. the tree of my neighbor .. bloomed earlier in the year .. it has put out a magnificent coat of green leaves ...trying to bloom again .. but the heat is against her .. did someone say 'climate change'? (c) All Rights Reserved * 1 note *

02 Jun 2015

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302 visits

- soft

and intense - an Orb created from - Daylily with raindrops - background the edges of a pastel sunset - then, framed - (c) All Rights Reserved * 1 note *

15 May 2015

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328 visits

.. to your health

May the bright yellow warmth - Send healing energies to you - Stay well, My Friends - (c) All Rights Reserved * 1 note *

04 May 2015

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204 visits

Round and round . . .

goes the purple in my mind - some lavender over there - touch of green - hair of yellow-gold - white stripes on velvet skirt - she is a Party Gal - ready to go out in her silk and velvet - Mother Nature has dressed her well - (c) All Rights Reserved

24 Apr 2015

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319 visits


.. for My Friend .. a very talented soul .. who sees this World in all colors .. which includes Black & White (c) All Rights Reserved --- ** 2 notes ** --- - from Wikipedia ''Black is the color of coal, ebony, and of outer space. It is the darkest color, the result of the absence of or complete absorption of light. It is the opposite of white - a balanced combination of all the colors of the visible light spectrum. ''

31 Mar 2015

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201 visits

- and on Tuesday

I became a shape-shifter .. from the photo * 1 note * .. to a Orb with an overlay of the original .. reversed .. blue skies and Dogwood .. ah .. they do something to my soul .. (c) All Rights Reserved * 1 note *

16 Mar 2015

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319 visits

Spring !

for Wildflowers - and those we plant - overlay of original flower on the orb - created by them - Happy Spring ! * 1 note * (c) All Rights Reserved
200 items in total