Blue canvas ..

Tropical Paradise

Folder: Florida
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from below my feet to the sky above

welcome to views of a Tropical Paradise ~

17 Mar 2013

146 visits

The framing . .

.. African Iris .. backyard walking .. framed/signed/tweaked a bit in: [ Dietes iridioides Common Names: African iris, fortnight lily, morea iris Family: Iridaceae (iris Family) ] © All rights reserved

16 Mar 2013

147 visits

- and to you, too !

good morning .. where ever you are .. may your day be filled with sunshine .. even if it is only in your imagination .. Ms A Mary L Lis bids you a good day .. she and her sisters are blooming in such .. colors of brightness .. get you sunglasses out ! cropped/framed/signed in: © All Rights Reserved

17 Mar 2013

175 visits

The Sisters Pink . .

.. Seminole Pink Hibiscus .. two of us .. blooming for our Lady .. we have more sisters, but not quite ready .. to show their splendor in Pink cropped/signed/framed in: ^no enhancemet © All Rights Reserved

08 Mar 2013

227 visits

citrus . .

.. ripe oranges .. green orbs of oranges to be .. blossoms .. in a state of confusion .. what to do .. when it should happen .. Winter hasn't been normal .. if there is such a thing .. as normal .. just don't know .. should I be blooming .. or bearing fruit .. decisions .. decisions edited in: © All Rights Reserved

08 Mar 2013

153 visits

if ..

.. you don't have a purple Azalea .. it can be created .. using editing features in .. © All Rights Reserved

08 Mar 2013

168 visits

not yet ..

.. staying here with sunshine .. warm breezes .. great fishing .. the weather reports from up North .. are not warm enough, yet .. somebody will let us know .. when the snow is gone .. so, until that time .. y'all bundle up .. we are doing just fine .. even if the humans come to visit .. Snowbirds with feathers Edited in: © All Rights Reserved

09 Mar 2013

157 visits

Yellow gold ! -- Rainbow Building group - yellow - Golden Tabebuia tree [ in my neighbor's yard ] .. against a canvas of Florida blue sky .. for all who still have that white stuff .. are digging out .. JAX - certainly for YOU ! collage done in: © All Rights Reserved

08 Mar 2013

2 favorites

1 comment

290 visits

shadows and sun ..

- on petals of linen - Seminole Pink Hibiscus - cropped - signed - no enhancement © All Rights Reserved

25 Jan 2013

1 favorite

173 visits

pose ..

.. then took off .. screaming as only they can do .. a Limpkin screaming/crying sound .. once you hear it .. it isn't forgotten ! The limpkin is Aramus guarauna of the family "Aramidae." cropped/signed only in: © All Rights Reserved
284 items in total