So beautiful . . .

Skies of Awe .. North Carolina

Sunset .. Dusk .. Evening.. Morning/Sunrise (once in a while) definitely more sunsets! am not a morning person (at least functioning enough to use a camera!)

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21 Apr 2020

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235 visits

So beautiful . . .

A day in North Carolina with this sky over head .. Puffy clouds slowly floating by on gentle breezes .. Green leaves arriving on White Ash tree .. Birds in concert .. Iris blooming .. Lilacs of white and also lavender .. Cascading branches of a Mock Orange inviting bees .. Formosa Azaleas .. Wild Petunias are popping up in different places than last year .. Spiderwort [ blue-purple ] .. Honesty Plant aka Money Plant [ Lunaria annua ] .. Star of Bethlehem .. Neighbors walking with their children .. May y'all stay healthy .. From my Front Yard in North Carolina to your Corner of this World.. Peggy ** EXPLORE **

11 Dec 2019

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256 visits

Almost sunset -

2019 - December blue - pink - lavender - leafless branches - cold - planned on taking a shot of the full moon - in my book - that shot will wait until next year - after all - there are limits - y'all can just imagine - there is a moon in there someplace ~ “You’ll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut.” ― Dr. Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!

26 Nov 2019

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307 visits

Going down ?

.. a hot-looking setting sun on a cool day framed by the sky only minutes before was still blue with puffy clouds wonders to enjoy .. Mother Nature and her exclamation point of the day ! © All rights reserved

06 Sep 2019

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429 visits

Old North State ..

North Carolina - changes in the sky - in the temperature - leaves start turning into colorful Fall Flowers - changes happen - in Nature and in ourselves © All Rights Reserved

10 May 2019

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198 visits

.. Sky-writing ..

" You can never do a kindness too soon because you never know how soon it will be too late." - Ralph Waldo Emerson ' Sky-writing ' on a puffy North Carolina sky ...

28 Apr 2019

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351 visits

A Day for those who - Look Up !

“Clouds are just wisps of nature.” ― Anthony T. Hincks When I went out and saw this magnificent sky - it had to be shared with y'all. North Carolina has had [especially our area] more rain than we need [in my opinion] - After all, when one steps in the yard and the clay dirt goes squish - That is plenty - And all that rain and not one rainbow ! Yes, April showers and all that ... but we started in March - The flowers are blooming - Buds have popped out on all things - But, y'all get Our North Carolina - Because it was there in all the glory Mother Nature provided ! Happy White Puffy Thingys in Our Sky Day !

18 Mar 2019

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North Carolina Blues ..

Being a passenger has advantages .. Photos of skies of blues in North Carolina .. On the way back from a short road trip .. Collage overlay of an evening sky .. Of the same day .. * 6 PiP upper L corners * --EXPLORE--

31 Jan 2019

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415 visits

Threes ---

3 photos - 3 different camera settings - Only 3 minutes apart - As the Sun goes down - Be Ready ! When it goes -- it is gone til the next day .. Frame done in PicMonkey - © All rights reserved - PiP in each panel

29 Jan 2019

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499 visits


Mother Nature adds an exclamation point to the day - With The Show At Sunset ! Not subtle with her colors ... but have never seen a Sunset that was not ahhhh © All rights reserved -- EXPLORE--
152 items in total