- in a Circle

Flowers of Florida USA

Folder: Florida
- from various Central Florida USA locations

- some wildflowers
- other planted -- on purpose!

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11 Sep 2013

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303 visits

- in a Circle

www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yjxWfyxpqY Harry Chapin .. "All My Life's A Circle" .. never met him; never went to a concert .. but, he is one human being I would have loved to meet - (c) All Rights Reserved

19 Aug 2013

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323 visits

Purple enjoyment ~

.. African Iris .. backyard walking .. circle frames/signed/ - no enhancement www.picmonkey.com [ Dietes iridioides Common Names: African iris, fortnight lily, morea iris Family: Iridaceae (iris Family) ] www.floridata.com/ref/d/diet_iri.cfm © All rights reserved

16 Jul 2013

1 comment

201 visits

Just a Wild one . .

growing free .. nestled between Sea Oats .. rooted in sand .. nobody to bother me .. or step on my petals .. I am a Free Spirit .. (c) All Rights Reserved

01 Jul 2013

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223 visits

Light blue . .

- a sea of Blue Daze ----- Rainbow Building group - light blue -- - starting a growth spurt from the rains - these spread, but stay low to the ground - blue and green do go together ! (c) All Rights Reserved

08 May 2013

228 visits

Misty -

- for PM competition .. ' Spring' - framed collage of Seminole Pink Hibiscus, White Pinwheel Jasmine, Red Amaryllis and Blue Plumbago www.picmonkey.com © All rights reserved

06 May 2013

18 favorites


366 visits

Archive Airings - 229 - Textures

- a gift of fragrance - in my Florida US garden - from a large Gardenia - that blooms daily - this is a very tight crop - framed it - about three times - adjusting the blend mode - just a little each time - it does smell so good ! www.picmonkey.com © All rights reserved

30 Apr 2013


224 visits

hiding ..

.. in the shadows of glossy .. leaves of green .. one Gardenia .. fragrant .. such aroma .. she couldn't hide for long www.picmonkey.com © All Rights Reserved

21 Apr 2013

212 visits

- can it be done ?

frame the sun .. ----- The Rainbow Building group --- this is probably as close as possible .. a yellow Hibiscus .. from a garden .. not mine .. but, sculpted Lady of Sunshine needed to be seen .. for any who may just stop by to see .. this bright spot is in their day .. welcome ~ www.picmonkey.com © All Rights Reserved

21 Apr 2013

244 visits

- weaving around

a vine .. don't know what it is .. just thought it was nice .. ID ----------------------- thanks to mmmavocado -- white Mandevilla sold as 'Sun Parasol' thinking Jasmine .. or .. Honeysuckle .. but one of y'all will be able to tell me .. www.picmonkey.com © All Rights Reserved
246 items in total