..  stillness

Critters . .

Seen in my yard, at the beach and points in between...

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08 Mar 2011

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333 visits

.. stillness

- the floating log with eyes - sitting in my car - all sound turned off on camera - continuous shooting - one of the first gators seen to get a photo of - that's what zoom cameras are for - no, he never blinked - I remained until he went under the lake waters - then, i was gone ! - 1 PiP - © All rights reserved ARCHIVE AIRINGS AA293 - STILLNESS

19 Apr 2011

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405 visits

What ? Well, Wacky Day to you, too !

.. grey squirrel .. Camphor tree .. attitude .. it's his tree .. how dare I even walk past .. much less - with a camera ! © All rights reserved * 1 PiP ARCHIVE AIRINGS AA-290-FUNNY

19 Oct 2012

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463 visits

- what's going on ?

.. not a great photo .. as far as technique .. but, if you need a laugh .. make it larger ❤❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤❤ .. was concentrating on the Black Bellied Whistling Ducks .. somebody got their wings all a flutter .. the squirrels went nuts .. ducks looked at each other .. what is happening? .. oh, Black Bellied Whistling Ducks .. do whistle ! Archive Airings AA-266-Funny Foto © All Rights Reserved

01 Jul 2017

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490 visits

Just visiting . . .

in each photo, there is a visitor of some sort .. pollinators galore enjoying False Sunflowers of yellow .. Zinnias of pink .. Cosmos of orange and yellow .. Viburnum clusters .. and Turk's-Cap Lily .. each has a reason to be here .. in the Garden of Surprises and also The Dogwood Patch - A Garden .. 2017 © All Rights Reserved

19 Jun 2017

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373 visits

Zing ..

caught you in-flight ... no idea who / what this critter is .. but, he showed up when the photos were loaded .. a definite ZING ! you weren't expecting me in your photo .. most certainly not .. glad to have you ! ** 1 note **

02 Jun 2017

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682 visits

weaving ...

art .. between leaves of Azaleas .. patterns in Nature .. to get a really close look .. Left click on photo -- then make it full size .. Art is all around us .. sometimes we happen to be in the right place .. at the right time to see it .. no, don't know the name of this spider .. have seen it someplace (you know when you are looking for something else) .. Thank you, R for your detective work ! Orchard Orbweaver - Leucauge venusta © All Rights Reserved

16 May 2017

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442 visits

.. they call me

.. The Sweeper .. am supposed to clean the Deck Diner .. since none of the birds come with brooms .. guess it's not a bad job .. there are always things to nibble on .. in between sweeping

26 Sep 2016


204 visits


The Alphabet Site - T is for Toad

29 Jun 2016

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346 visits

- new residents of the Neighborhood

- saw 2 yesterday evening - only 1 this morn - go from clover patch to clover patch - pic on left is with flash © All Rights Reserved
100 items in total