Eastern Tiger Swallowtail --

Butterflies -Bees- Moths - Dragonflies

- from August 2013 on - will find most in Central North Carolina

.. older photos found in my yard .. around town .. Central Florida, USA ..

..since Dragonflies/Damselflies & Mosquito hawks had no home, this shall be where we can find them

.. now home to the Clearwing Moths

.. butterfly / moth list from 2013-2016 - 2017
NC only

- Admiral

- American Lady
- American Sn…  (read more)

09 Mar 2017

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427 visits

Bee Buffet 2017

Carpenter Bee (m) and his patch - Of Creeping Phlox - Male Carpenter bees have a white spot on front of head - Have heard they do not sting, but they are very noisy and will buzz you - I just buzz right back at them - The patch of Creeping Phlox - Bottom right is where he dined - © All Rights Reserved

01 Nov 2016

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475 visits

Large and Loud -

A time to gather .. Pollen from False Sunflowers .. Carpenter Bees are very active .. Very few Skipper butterflies are around .. Though when the Skippers do show up .. They flit around in a frenzy .. Though these Eastern Carpenter Bees ( Xylocopa virginica ) are quite large .. Balance is no problem .. Even when a gust of wind blows .. They hang on .. On the right side .. Upside down .. Is a male Carpenter Bee .. With his distinguishing facial white spot .. There are literally hundreds of varieties of Carpenter Bees .. -- EXPLORE -- © All Rights Reserved

27 Oct 2016

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193 visits

A very loud buzzzzzzzz ..

Carpenter Bee acrobatics - On False Sunflower - Getting all the goodness - © All Rights Reserved

25 Oct 2016

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414 visits

Fall ...

Changes in the air - Changes in colors - Bright ones are becoming subdued - Bees are still active - Skipper butterflies go from one flower to the next - As if in a frenzy - Changes - © All Rights Reserved -- EXPLORE -- [ suggest viewing on black ]

20 Oct 2016

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302 visits

Who ...

are you ? Have many sources for Identification, but went to ' The Source '.. Pam J has been a huuuuuuuuuuge help when I feel like throwing my hands up in the air ! so -- Chalcid- female ( Leucospis affinis ) © All Rights Reserved

17 Oct 2016

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403 visits

Shapes of Wings ...

October wings - Skippers and bees - Variegated Fritillary ( Euptoieta claudia ) - Red Admiral ( Vanessa atalanta ) . taken at The Arts Center - © All Rights Reserved

11 Oct 2016

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498 visits

She's A Lady ..

An American Lady (Vanessa virginiensis) - Enjoying nectar of the False Sunflowers - A magnet for butterflies and bees - Seeds gifted from Pam J - Yellow is a color of Joy - As were the seeds from a Dear Soul - Yes, most of y'all know I talk to my plants - Butterflies - Bees - Every day when I'm out near these magnet-flowers, I talk to Pam - There is love in those petals - Thank you ... Huggzzz to your corner of this World ;) © All Rights Reserved -- EXPLORE --

02 Oct 2016

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397 visits

Common Buckeye ..

At the Arts Center / on Buddleja .. ( Junonia coenia ) aka Common Buckeye .. With beautiful eyespots even though wings are getting a bit worn, to me this butterfly is exquisite.. Such details ... www.jeffpippen.com/butterflies/commonbuckeye.htm www.butterfly-fun-facts.com/butterfly-species/butterflies-a-e/buckeye-junonia-coenia © All Rights Reserved

17 Sep 2016

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827 visits

Clearwing Moth ..

From Jeff Pippen - www.jeffpippen.com/naturephotos/hemaris-diffinis.htm If it can't be found in Kaufman Field Guide to Butterflies of North America , this site by Jeff is the one I go to. He has North Carolina-found species of many, many things that are in gardens/fields/woods. This is why one has nice neighbors .. they plant butterfly-attracting goodies for things that fly and photogs who live next door. Thank you, Danny ! © All Rights Reserved ** 3 notes - 1 in each upper Left corner ** --EXPLORE--
318 items in total