Eastern Tiger Swallowtail --

Butterflies -Bees- Moths - Dragonflies

- from August 2013 on - will find most in Central North Carolina

.. older photos found in my yard .. around town .. Central Florida, USA ..

..since Dragonflies/Damselflies & Mosquito hawks had no home, this shall be where we can find them

.. now home to the Clearwing Moths

.. butterfly / moth list from 2013-2016 - 2017
NC only

- Admiral

- American Lady
- American Sn…  (read more)

11 Jul 2017

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432 visits

Hope ...

Yes, IMA has signed - CR has signed - Onward to the Ipernity complete transfer - This is my version of a bouquet - Cause I know y'all are worn out and might feel as this Skipper and Zinnia look - The process continues - We have supported you (IMA) - .. well, most of us have ... Those who didn't leave for other pastures .. Many, many thanks to ALL IMA for your dedication - It has not gone un-noticed --- From North Carolina USA, Peggy

07 Jul 2017

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364 visits

Silver-Spotted Skipper ..

F irst O f Y ear = FOY .. 2017 on Turk's Cap Lily in hot sun .. © All Rights Reserved * 1 note *

05 Jul 2017

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520 visits

To the day !

It certainly pays to keep records -- The Eastern Swallowtail butterfly has been in counties all around us -- Knew our time was getting near -- So, last year on July 5, 2016 -- The first one appeared ( but an hour later ) -- Today -- One ETS -- Eastern Tiger Swallowtail -- In the yard -- Along with Carpenter bees and Skippers -- And the elusive Hummingbird ! What a great start for the day -- ** 4 notes ** © All Rights Reserved

21 Jun 2017

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509 visits

Ms White ..

Cabbage White ( Pieris rapae ) -- Enjoying Verbena in bloom - There were two of them - So keeping up with them became a challenge - ** 2 notes ** .. note on right side - there is a 'guest ' on a stem of Verbena .. Have researched and found nothing to match ... Didn't see it when taking the photos .. But, there it is ... in there .. Went back out and of course it was gone ! © All Rights Reserved

14 Jun 2017

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450 visits

She is Here ~

or maybe not - American Lady on a False Sunflower - Having a feeding frenzy with Sunflowers, Zinnias and even Ditch Lily group - Some shots are blurry - What do you expect when the person holding the camera is so excited ? Ah, what a Day ! * 3 notes across Top * © All Rights Reserved

11 Jun 2017

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515 visits

Two-some ..

Skippers and Zinnias are made for each other .. Zinnia opens her petals to capture rays of the sun .. And the Skipper checks out the nectar / pollen supply .. This is in The Dogwood Patch .. Home of Zinnias, False Sunflowers and Cosmos .. Waiting to greet Butterflies ! ! ! © All Rights Reserved

04 Jun 2017

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500 visits

E --------

Eastern Tailed-Blue Butterfly .. enjoying Clover .. not a great shot, but you get what you can - when you can .. © All Rights Reserved

30 May 2017

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324 visits

Oh... yes .....

Finally .. Still enough (sort of) .. Cabbage White (Pieris rapae) female .. Darting around the yard .. ''Will this do .. maybe over there .. but look, something else looks better .." No, I don't speak the Language of Butterflies .. But IF I did .. This would have been what I heard .. Betcha ! © All Rights Reserved

16 Apr 2017

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423 visits

Bee - u - tee - full ----

Day to Skip outside .. Yes, thrilled with 1st photo of a butterfly this year ! And, a bee .. Not a Carpenter ( have see flying about ) .. But this guy .. Enjoying Chive blossoms .. While the Skipper went from one bloom on the Creeping Phlox to another ... © All Rights Reserved
318 items in total