Eastern Tiger Swallowtail --

Butterflies -Bees- Moths - Dragonflies

- from August 2013 on - will find most in Central North Carolina

.. older photos found in my yard .. around town .. Central Florida, USA ..

..since Dragonflies/Damselflies & Mosquito hawks had no home, this shall be where we can find them

.. now home to the Clearwing Moths

.. butterfly / moth list from 2013-2016 - 2017
NC only

- Admiral

- American Lady
- American Sn…  (read more)

.. enjoy

16 Aug 2014 5 9 367
life while you can - this Silver spotted Skipper had been flying - in and out of the branches & flowers - evading the Robber Fly - when the Skipper stopped for re-fueling - the Robber Fly stopped and watched - (c) All Rights Reserved

al fresco -

14 Aug 2014 2 5 392
on purple - Orange Sulphur (Colias eurytheme) on Buddledia davidii - not many seen, so far - jeffpippen.com/butterflies/orangesulphur.htm (c) All Rights Reserved *** 1 note ***

.. must be good

11 Aug 2014 3 230
content - moved very little - evidently this WAS the spot - other activity around him - he was too busy - though one of his Carpenter Bee 'friends' - did give me a quick buzz - "just to let you know, Lady .. this is our purple shrub " - (c) All Rights Reserved

being watched ..

08 Aug 2014 1 1 219
Skipper butterfly by the Robber Fly - the Skippers were more active than usual - wonder if they spotted the Critter - the Robber Fly is part of Nature - but wish he would partake of bugs - that harm plants - not butterflies or moths - (c) All Rights Reserved

- just hangin'

07 Aug 2014 7 6 673
a Silver Spotted Skipper butterfly - both photos ( * 1 note top center * ) on Buddleia davidii .. purple must be delicious ~ (c) All Rights Reserved

Purple balancing -

06 Aug 2014 7 7 369
Carpenter bee on Buddleia davidii - Butterfly shrub of purple - much easier to follow than butterflies ~ ** 2 notes ** (c) All Rights Reserved

Skipping !

05 Aug 2014 2 325
- on purple ** 3 notes - top left ** This little Skipper had a great time on the purple Buddleia davidii - did share with several other Skippers and a couple of Clearwing Hawk Moths - (c) All Rights Reserved

.. dive !

31 Jul 2014 1 5 315
Carpenter bee - no, but no ID yet He was so active on the part of the plant. Walked almost like on egg shells, but would seem attack a certain spot -- causing the flower to bob up and down. Thought he was just a large bee, but not too sure. ID ? (c) All Rights Reserved ** 1 note **

.. close enough

31 Jul 2014 1 8 348
Hey, Skip .. you can move down some .. not only am I larger than you .. need more nectar, too .. - said the Bee to the Skipper butterfly as the Bee bounced on the flower (causing Skipper movement) (c)All Rights Reserved ** 1 note **

Purple nectar delight -

31 Jul 2014 1 10 235
American Lady - (Vanessa virginiensis) has found it ! Buddleia davidii.. delight of purple nectar .. the nectar-bar was open .. numerous Skippers .. Bumble bees who kept me at bay .. a good day for enjoying Nature .. -cropped/signed only - no enhancement - (c) All Rights Reserved

.. a 'Lifer'

30 Jul 2014 3 5 302
**2 notes ** Common Whitetail (Plathemis lydia) - mature Male - www.dpughphoto.com/dragonflies www.jeffpippen.com/dragonflies/commonwhitetail.htm - found in the inherited Garden of Surprises (c) All Rights Reserved

.. the flier

30 Jul 2014 2 3 282
Hawk Moth - Hummingbird Moth - per Pam J - Snowberry Clearwing Moth (Hemaris diffinis) found this is called more than one name - was difficult to detect color on the edges of his wings - never stopped long enough for a good shot - but, he's a 'Lifer' for me, also ** 2 notes ** - cropped/signed only - no enhancement - (c) All Rights Reserved

- return

29 Jul 2014 13 14 436
Eastern TIger Swallowtail / male - SOOC no edits / watermark only ** 1 note ** (c) All Rights Reserved **** Thank you! Made EXPLORE 30July14 ****

.. I'm back !

29 Jul 2014 1 290
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly - enjoying Buddleia davidii ( Butterfly shrub ) - seems to be looking at us - don't know who was happier - the Flutterby since the flowers are filling out - or me because he is back - totally missed the Skippers, tho I did see some - jeffpippen.com/butterflies/easterntigerswallowtail.htm Average Size: Wing Span: 2 1/2 - 4 1/2 inches (6.2 - 11.4 cm) (c) All Rights Reserved

.. delicate, yet large

29 Jul 2014 246
this shrub of Rose of Sharon was loaded yesterday - high winds and welcome rain did most of them in - today, only two brave flowers are open - lots of buds, though - oh, per the request of a Friend ... measured this bloom (dodging the bee) -- 7 inches across ! Rose of Sharon - (c) All Rights Reserved

... quiet zone

26 Jul 2014 2 2 305
don't want to disturb the guest - inside the darkness of Rose of Sharon [ a variety of Hibiscus - Hibiscus Syriacus - ] a.k.a. 'Lil' Kim .. per Pam J and also Dave's Garden site - shadows fall just right - almost paper-like look on the back petals - now, if the bugs would just stop eating her leaves ! sigh - she is such a classy lady - then, here they come - chomp - chomp - chomp - ** 1 note ** (c)All Rights Reserved

.. a designated flyer ?

26 Jul 2014 2 4 221
- open winged Silver spotted Skipper - so many of them - once in awhile, would pause like this - oh, how many blurry, missed shots - so much drinking going on - guess it really is 5 o'clock somewhere ! ** 1 note ** (c) All Rights Reserved

.. new

23 Jul 2014 2 7 246
guest - very dark blue - no idea of name - hate to put this beauty up nameless ~ (c) All Rights Reserved North Carolina - Piedmont Triad overcast sky on Butterfly Shrub [ saw a Blue Dasher in Florida - nothing like that one at all ]

317 items in total