Touches of blue sky ..

2010 - Awesome vacation with friends, family & the North Carolina Mountains

.. meandering on the Blue Ridge Parkway .. driving through Fall leaves in Winston-Salem; eating out at Billy Bob's .. enjoying the lake (and ducks) in Cary .. anything else that I've forgotten - will go in - took a lot of photos ! .. in case you are wondering - the only order these photos are in is that chosen (by me) when posting them ! © All rights reserved

29 Oct 2010

109 visits

Touches of blue sky ..

- driving by a horse farm in Ocala - Florida US - there are beautiful horses there, but you do need to make it larger SOOC -signed only © All rights reserved

28 Oct 2010

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1 comment

168 visits

.. the best seat

.. for going down the mountain is the passenger/photo seat --" Another Link in the Chain'' - linking rocks of Nature with rocks in previous photo -- .. things do whiz by at times, but the details are amazing SOOC #44 Project 52 © All rights reserved

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28 Oct 2010

140 visits

Eastern Continental Divide ..

"The Eastern Continental Divide is an invisible line that represents where water on either side of it will flow. The line follows our mountains' ridgelines and bisects our valleys." - from: archives .. SOOC.. going under the bridge on .. Blue Ridge Parkway .. North Carolina, USA © All rights reserved (this is as close as I could map it)

28 Oct 2010

141 visits

Layers of Nature . .

in Western NC, silhouetted trees stand against a layered sky .. mountains, clouds .. a touch of color midst greys .. -cropped for size only -signed SOOC © All rights reserved

27 Oct 2010

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386 visits

Poetography ..

" Dancers are the messengers of the gods." - Martha Graham (c) All Rights Reserved ( photo from 2010 Archives - Blue Ridge Mountains - overcast, yet beautiful )

26 Oct 2010

126 visits

Beauty ....

a leafless tree against an over-cast canvas sky .. one of my favorite trees behind the cabin on Angel Mountain, NC .. SOOC -signed only © All rights reserved

25 Oct 2010

147 visits

Almost there .. to Angel Mountain Cabin ...

.. a beautiful slice of North Carolina, tucked away; nurtured by dear souls; enjoyed by those of us lucky to find it! .. thank you, Emma, for your greetings (thanks to the humans, too!) .. y'all will meet Emma later .. the first of many photos, so will have its own folder © All rights reserved

25 Oct 2010

101 visits

A colorful drive ...

Fall/Autumn colors in Winston-Salem, NC .. part of a great vacation .. © All rights reserved

25 Oct 2010

173 visits

Rubbernecking ...

in Winston-Salem, NC .. this is in the Buena VIsta section .. mostly old Georgian style architecture .. some are for sale ! how much, aw, just a million & change .. but, there are some about half that amount .. this has always been a beautiful area to drive through .. winding roads revealing beautiful homes as well as landscaping that someone besides the owner must take care of .. my Dad used to take us on Sunday drives .. going through areas like this, he called it 'rubbernecking' ! SOOC © All rights reserved
30 items in total