.. the best seat

Project 52

it was a good year of Photos - 2010
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28 Oct 2010

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168 visits

.. the best seat

.. for going down the mountain is the passenger/photo seat --" Another Link in the Chain'' - linking rocks of Nature with rocks in previous photo -- .. things do whiz by at times, but the details are amazing SOOC #44 Project 52 © All rights reserved

23 Oct 2010

183 visits

Downtown ..

Another Link in the Chain - linking the old building in previous photo to a modern building Winston-Salem NC .. think this is the Wachovia Building .. (now Wells Fargo) top is rounded - some call it the 'Bullet Bldg' .. very modern.. lots of glass .. can't hold a candle, archecturally speaking, to the RJ Reynolds Building .. IMO anyhow .. RJR Bldg is a smaller version of the Empire State Bldg ... RJR was built first... © All rights reserved SOOC #47 Project 52 group

16 Aug 2010

142 visits

Down on the Corner ...

Mykadog, if you can't place this .. I'll be really surprised ! taken at night on the way home from class .. this effect is with the flash on .. -cropped #33 Project 52 group © All rights reserved

24 Jul 2010

155 visits

Are there towels made for delicate ladies such as me ?

.. being a bit wet, told Gracie that a breeze would dry her petals .. not so sure she believes me! #29 Project 52 © All rights reserved

24 Jul 2010

227 visits

The Job ...

putting their lives on the line everytime a call comes in .. firefighters give their all to a job to protect us .. to serve & protect people they probably don't know .. yes, we thank you .. many times over .. as 'thank you' really is never enough .. but, it is important in this career path chosen .. to take care of yourselves .. your families deserve to see you come through that door ... SOOC © All rights reserved #30 Project 52

08 Jul 2010

103 visits

and the sun sets - creating sparkling jewels ..

sunset wasn't too vivid, but produced amazing gems among the leaves .. ^ no enhancement ^ rotated just a bit #27 Project 52 ©SD All Rights Reserved

19 Jun 2010

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198 visits

The process ... 'Another Link in the Chain' .. linking inside the car to another inside the car ..

of drying off with a nice thirsty towel .. but, don't you know I'd be a millionaire if I could figure out how to put wipers on my glasses ? think of all those who wear glasses .. and get caught in the rain .. amazing - what a market! #25/52 Project 52 Group Pool © All rights reserved

24 May 2010

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209 visits

Soft colors ..

Through the green silk of breeze blown grass .. delicate pink blossoms reach toward the sun .. yet, shaded by the Crepe myrtle shrub .. perhaps this is how a bug sees them .. © All Rights Reserved Archive Airings AA298-Soft Colors

21 May 2010

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159 visits

Oh, so lost . .

yet enveloped by the rhythms swirling around her .. Nuriah is the music & the music is her .. ©SD All Rights Reserved #20 Project52
20 items in total