" We may not have ..

Flashes of Love ..

2010 Christmas dinner for Polk County Senior Orphans.. Senior Orphans is entirely a non-paid volunteer staffed organization; operating all year long to help low-income seniors, the dinner is the first part of a Gift of Love to our seniors. Thank you to all the volunteers and especially the head volunteer, Bev, who keeps things running!

Additions of more Flashes of Love .. as they appear, they w…  (read more)

01 Oct 2021

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150 visits

" We may not have ..

it all together .. but together we have it all." BOYDS Bears .. From the Head Bean Collection " Thinkin' Of Ya Series " made in the Olde World Tradition of hand-stitched, fully jointed bears. Bringing timely messages for today. The Boyd Collection Ltd. Gettysburg, PA 1 PiP

06 Jan 2021

110 visits

Delivery Teddy Bear ..

Yes, I was in charge of the delivery of these roses to My Dear Lady .. her son wanted to surprise her .. It worked !

05 Jan 2021

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192 visits

A surprise -

- arrived the other day very long box - delivered by FedEx - when opened - this was what I found - with a note from our son - "just wanted to surprise you with something special - Mike " 3 PiP - last includes the Delivery Bear

14 Feb 2020

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272 visits

Thomas P. Catt, Esq.

Rare shot of Thomas - usually on the move - checking out the neighborhood - takes his job of Neighborhood Guardian seriously ! © All rights reserved -- EXPLORE --

12 Dec 2018

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310 visits

- always a bit different

- the tree is the same - used it as a Seasonal Tree this year - instead of packing it up and hauling it out again - will certainly do again next year - most ornaments are hand-made [not by me] - but, I did collect the seashells and Sand Dollars - cracked open the Walnuts .. matching the halves, then gilding them - any needle-work done by other hands - if you look closely, there are some old fashioned shade pulls - guess my Mom had them - now, the tree skirt [ with a white feather that fell ] - ankle length skirt ..green/white satin embroidered with glitz located in Florida at a Mosque Thrift Store - red with coins on top of it is a belly dancer hip belt - the more glitz and jingle the better [ at least that is what our Dance Troupe thought ] 3 PiP - the collage on the right side has up close photos of the ornaments - © All Rights Reserved -- EXPLORE --

17 Sep 2018

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543 visits

A Good Day -

The Common Buckeye is Pam Johnson's favorite butterfly - So, this is for her ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is the latest update from Jay: "Pam is awake! I went in at 9am and she was awake. I told her everyone missed her and such. I told her I mowed the lawn and she raised her brow. "Then she wanted to talk and could not because of the tube. That's when she went into a panic attack and they had to sedate her. So, I got 3 minutes with her. "After the staff reported that she had been awake earlier in the morning, the head doctor decided it was time to remove the tube. That will probably happen today." Please post this wherever you like, it is the version Jay expects to be published. - received from Marty [San Francisco Gal-Pal of Pam Johnson] 09/18/2018 [ no idea which time zone this one is as Marty is in Kansas now and Jay is in Oklahoma ] Archive Airings AA-264 - ** ABOUT ** -- EXPLORE --

07 Sep 2018

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546 visits

False Sunflower -

"Love and healing energies for Pam. " - words from ROL/Photo - The False Sunflower is from a seed gifted to me by Pam J on one of her visits to North Carolina US all the way from Oklahoma ! - We met at the Raleigh/Durham airport [ RDU ] - There are no words to describe how it felt to meet her and share so many thoughts/ideas/recipes - Yes, she took over the cooking "after all, I'm a guest here" - The second time she came - She was informed she was not a guest - Family - Period - And then we went wandering to Saxapahaw - A very small town down the road - With micritter - He lives 'down the road from me' - I could write a book about our adventures, but it would be considered 'fiction' - Except by the three of us who KNOW it happened Get well, My Friend -- heal - we will wait, but we send you healing energies and prayers - Your SAB SAB=Switched At Birth or Separated At Birth -- just because the Atlantic Ocean is in between our countries - just because we were born in different years/months - doesn't matter - we Are Sisters in our Hearts - 1 PiP - EXPLORE

20 May 2018

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220 visits

A request -

from our Pam J - share as far and wide as we can - perhaps we don't think of things - until they hit close to our hearts - just spoke with Pam - day by day Pam sees improvement - keep Pam in your thoughts/wishes/prayer - And - The above is open to SHARE..

31 Jul 2015

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201 visits

- a Happy Day

sharing with relatives and friends - being married to your best friend for 50 years - Happy Anniversary, Sis ~ and ' G ' :)) (c) All Rights Reserved black and white with an overlay of gold balloons - suggest putting on Large / Black -
23 items in total