.. from things


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31 Oct 2014

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257 visits

.. from things

that go bump in the night - oh, please deliver us ! got treats by the door - for any munchins who stop by tonight - 31 October 2014 Happy Halloween (c) All Rights Reserved - EXPLORE -

26 Jan 2014

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355 visits

darkness . .

on the old wall - searching - fingers of cold - weathered bricks shrink to avoid - yet, they were placed - many years ago - by steady hands - it was a useful place - but, now - only part is used - sought - enveloped - by shadows of black - dark - cold - fingers - sending chills throughout - (c) PeggyC 2014

06 May 2013

169 visits

rainy thoughts ..

- after it rains here, we get beautiful pink flowers - 'rain lilies' - an abstract feeling - of these delicate blooms - from another 'place' - perhaps another 'time' - one can wonder - so, a collage of formerly - pale pink lilies - framed - tweaked a lot - used curves - changed the intensity of colors - rounded the edges of photos - overlay texture of rain - run through 'custom' curves - for PM competition .. ' Spring' www.picmonkey.com © All rights reserved

06 May 2013

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342 visits

Archive Airings - 229 - Textures

- a gift of fragrance - in my Florida US garden - from a large Gardenia - that blooms daily - this is a very tight crop - framed it - about three times - adjusting the blend mode - just a little each time - it does smell so good ! www.picmonkey.com © All rights reserved

28 Apr 2013

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227 visits

Osprey family painting ..

Fast Facts - [ National Geographic site ] Type: Bird Diet: Carnivore .. 99% fish Average life span in the wild: 30 years Size: Body, 21 to 23 in (54 to 58 cm); Wingspan, 5 to 6 ft (1.5 to 1.8 m) Weight: 3.1 to 4.4 lbs (1.4 to 2 kg) The Osprey is one of the most widespread birds of prey and can be found on every continent except Antarctica. They lay eggs (typically three), which both parents help to incubate. Osprey eggs don't hatch all at once, but are staggered . This is one family [ photos taken in a parking lot; the nest is on top of a light pole ] .. Found another family with an even younger chick. Photos to come ... edited in: www.picmonkey.com © All Rights Reserved

17 Apr 2013

185 visits

seeing another ..

- part of a Mexican Petunia - usually photograph the purple flowers - like the overlay in the corner - but the textures of the leaves - and stems seem so interesting - planted 2010 - Yard Make-Over project edited in: www.picmonkey.com © All Rights Reserved

07 Apr 2013

180 visits

. . .

www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5h02ZmeB5c Why this edited African Iris brought this song to mind, I have no idea. Played it while editing; while creating my own texture to add along with one in PicMonkey.. this just feels right. May you all enjoy and have a blessed week. Namaste, Sheeba © All Rights Reserved

07 Apr 2013

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193 visits

painted pinwheels ..

Pinwheel Jasmine shrub .. Intense leaves of green .. Creamy white aromatic blooms with yellow centers .. Unless one heads into PicMonkey .. And edits with Textures, Curves .. Then frame and sign .. www.picmonkey.com © All rights reserved

29 Mar 2013

219 visits

things change ..

- when one edits a red flower - cluster of red Jatropha blooms - vibrant leaves of green - cropped - used Curves - faded out the flowers - saved - then, brought back the flowers - intensity changed - layered the same, yet different photos - of Jatropha flowers over each other - frame - watermark - now ! - a totally different concept - from where I began www.picmonkey.com © All Rights Reserved try viewing fullscreen on black
27 items in total