In the cool evening ..

.. Photos taken at dusk - until it gets dark

- drive by shots
- walking shots
- all are taken after during the time the sun is setting or has gone down for the day
- evening colors fall upon us
(c) All Rights Reserved

21 Oct 2018

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344 visits

In the cool evening ..

A blue North Carolina Sky takes on hues of gray - Sunset colors streak overhead - And the Moon is in a world by itself - Only showing part of the surface - Letting us imagine what the rest looks like - Especially the 'Far Side of the Moon' - - 3 PiP - one in left corner of each photo - © All Rights Reserved - EXPLORE -

18 Oct 2018

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412 visits

For Sami -

- enjoyed your photos - checked out the program you used - found PicMonkey has Curves and Levels - haven't posted anything for a bit - you got my imagination going - Thanks, Sami Serola For Poetography Group - "Time spent laughing is time spent with the gods." - Japanese Proverb Archive Airings AA-279-EDITED PHOTO --EXPLORE--

28 Jan 2016

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360 visits

Bittersweet sunset ..

setting on the final Open Mic Jam at Lyrics Grill .. that the photo is a bit blurry ---- fits .. we have one more get together [musicians only] .. think I'll take a box of tissues .. ** 1 note ** PiP 1 contains a collage of dear souls who gave their all .. somebody said, '' we will raise the roof '' .. we DiD .. another home shall be found .. so, have to consider this temporary .. there are too many of us .. not to join in an evening of music, friendship and sharing .. January 28, 2016 © All Rights Reserved

25 Dec 2015

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318 visits

soft glow . .

of golden lights - downtown - © All Rights Reserved

16 Sep 2015

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421 visits

- from sublte

to a SHOW of fire .. North Carolina sunset taken through window .. (c) All Rights Reserved - EXPLORE - 18 SEPT 2015

21 Jan 2015

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328 visits

Painting ..

using the paints of Mother Nature .. The Show at Sunset softens .. to rise the next morn .. the tree on the left side .. watches from a great spot .. yet, there are no bad seats for enjoying .. this evening Show ! (c) All Rights Reserved

21 Jan 2015

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355 visits

Fire ..

in a January sunset - The Show - quickly dropping below leafless branches - what an inspiration for the night - I drummed and drummed - the percussion corner was cooking ! (c) All Rights Reserved ** 1 note **

12 Dec 2014

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332 visits

The Show . .

anytime the sun sets - it is a Show - Dad called it that - made sense to me - some sunsets are brilliant - others soft pastels - regardless of which - it is always a 'Show' - (c) All Rights Reserved

31 May 2014

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215 visits

The Other ..

side .. especially for James Ruddy .. who, a couple of weeks ago .. said "all you need to do is get some shots of the other side " .. James, this is especially for YoU ~ ** 1 note - top left ** (c) All Rights Reserved
15 items in total