Juvenile flight -

Drive by photos ..

.. taken while a passenger
.. or while pulled over
.. even sitting in my car
.. if it blurs, the shot-gun passenger did the best she could !

(c) All Rights Reserved

22 Mar 2010

105 visits

Waiting room overflow ...

this bench is outside a doctor's office .. would be nicer to wait here than inside with all the germy people .. stopped and took this on the way to class .. over on the right where all the vehicles are .. © All Rights Reserved ^SOOC

11 Jun 2009

183 visits

Food !

.. wonderful, home-cooking .. Southern-style .. fried chicken with gravy .. country ham and red eye gravy .. biscuits .. 7 vegetable (fresh in season ) .. tea or beverage of choice .. re-fills on everything ! .. then, dessert .. how about blackberry cobbler with vanilla ice cream ? .. leftovers make a great breakfast ! © All Rights Reserved Shatley Springs History " On a summer day in 1890, Martin Shatley was passing by a cool mountain stream and paused to dip his hands and face in the water to soothe his hot, blistered skin. Only a few hours later he discovered that the crippling skin disease, which had plagued him for many years, seemed to be miraculously disappearing. (Shatley's own testimonial)" .. taken from the website below.. For more fascinating history, information, menus, map...check out,, www.shatleysprings.com

22 Sep 2008

2 favorites

159 visits

Clock Tower ..

Originally built as a water tower in 1871, the four faced clock was added the following year. Located on one of the seven hills of Rome GA, this clock stil keeps time. (c) All Rights Reserved
12 items in total