Peggy C's photos

19 Nov 2012

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170 visits

Thanksgiving . . .

- dedicated to all my Friends.. those where I live; my iPernity friends; those I have yet to meet; those I shall never meet; you are all special - each in your own way - thank you for being in my Life Peggy - - while giving Thanks for our many Blessings today --- consider this " Life is not a race. It's a journey to be savored. Take it slower.... enjoy it. Hear the music before the song is over. Dance every day, for a day without dance is a day wasted. Feel the music in the wind, in the song of a sparrow, in your own heartbeat. Feel.. survive...enjoy each day all the days you are here." - thoughts by that person 'Anonymous', who writes a lot of things Only thing I would add ... listen to the music as a day without music isn't a full one .... - framed & cropped in: © All Rights Reserved

11 Nov 2021

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173 visits

A Blaze ..

Beauty in the Fall - as leaves change - from green - to yellow - to gold - to orange - and the fire of red ! Nature is amazing , but don't forget to Look UP ! 6 PiP

17 Oct 2021

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156 visits


Why ? Will we ever learn ?

11 Nov 2016

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374 visits

Veterans Day - 11th Day/11th Month Explanation of the Riderless Horse .. © All Rights Reserved Repost

07 Nov 2021

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212 visits

Mother Nature ..

and her paintbrush have been very busy - shades of red - gold - yellow - greens in the process of turning - a beautiful time of year - in the Old North State - North Carolina - 4 PiP -- last one blew up to the car window

03 Nov 2021

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149 visits

FALL - In The Old North State -

a North Carolina blue canvas sky - makes a wonderful backdrop - for Fall Flowers [ aka - Leaves of color ] - taken around town - at the grocery parking lot - behind houses - wherever seen - 4 PiPs

18 Sep 2010

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218 visits

Movement -

Bliss . . . in the moment .. no difference between veil, dancer or costuming .. they & the music are One . . . ARCHIVE AIRINGS AA-335-MOVEMENT © All rights reserved

27 Oct 2021

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222 visits

Flowers of the Season ..

Changing colors of green leaves become the 'Flowers of Fall' .. don't recall who said that .. but I love how it describes .. a new Season of colors .. this is just the start .. of the Splendor of Nature .. “Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” — Albert Camus 5 PiP - EXPLORE / GALLERY -

20 Oct 2021

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224 visits

- in the Sun -

Cloudless Sulphur butterfly .. usually flit around here and there .. catch a shot when they pause! For a moment .. Mexican Sunflower .. in the Down The Road Garden .. NotMyGarden .. planted yearly by .. Bob-The-Gardener .. Thank you, Sir ~ 1 PiP
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