Peggy C's photos

- 2001 September 11

11 Sep 2013 10 7 260
.. the day the world ended for so many souls .. for others..... it stopped .. yet to pick up and remember .. 09/11/2001 .. Thank you for your service .. and for those who paid with their lives .. words aren't enough Blessing and prayers for those you loved ..

Changes ..

09 Sep 2021 5 3 112
And all at once, summer collapsed into Fall. - Oscar Wilde

Concert above Season Changes ..

09 Sep 2021 13 7 144
Mockingbird at the top of Season-Changing Dogwood leaves - 3 PiP 1 - Clematis - Kardynal Wyszynski 2 - Yakity Yak Flowers .. False Dragon Head, Obedient plant (Physostegia virginiana) 3 - Cascade of Dogwood Leaves and berries.. Season changes ..

Reflections ...

10 Jun 2016 9 12 159
of Lake Mac - peaceful - a wonderful place to visit - have a picnic - or - do absolutely nothing - but - listen to leaves rustle - as a soft breeze - passes through them - and - an occasional splash in the lake - fish - or one of the resident Mallard families - viewing this photo, all those memories surround my senses - May you all have a place to visit that will keep your mind alive, yet peaceful .. even if memories .. taken in 2016

Sipping Skipper ...

25 Aug 2021 12 15 148
- on a Buddleja - there were 3 colors, but this was the chosen one Down The Road @ NotMyGarden - Best viewed large - .. 2 PiP ..

Through the branches ..

19 Aug 2021 10 9 159
colors of kayaks and canoes - reflections in the waters - of Lake Mac - slight ripples - peace - have been many times - with Pam J - and my Sister-In-Law - and solo trips - 2 PiP

Progress ?

19 Aug 2021 7 3 127
Beyond the trees [ what were left ] is a development starting. The folks who live there are not happy about it. The developer wanted it re-zoned to fit more houses in = more money for the developer. All surrounding neighborhoods have opposed the re-zoning .. we went to City Hall. Got members we knew on the City Council to listen to 'why' it wasn't good for the area. No, we did not win in keeping the development out, but we did get the size of the lots and home to match what was already there. There will be a cut-through street ... at the end of our street. Joy ! I shall sit in the front yard with my speed gun {hair dryer} and a notebook jotting down tag numbers. Yes, got experience in doing this in Florida ... it worked in getting the cars to slow down. Progress isn't always progress ... depends on which side of the dollar you are holding. My camera can be intimidating .. will get tag numbers easily .. though I would much rather have a stash of stop sticks -- those things with nails in them the deflate tires quickly! If the trees above are removed, I'll go get my friend from years ago - we watched from our backyard as trees were removed "to make it easier to build" .... if they missed a tree - one of us would yell .."HEY, you missed one !" 1 PiP Wording makes no sense on the sign .. who is going to hunt or fish there? Waiting for some bullet holes to show up ..

Erasmus .. The Winged Dragon ...

19 Aug 2021 19 29 260
Read the t-shirt ! My name is Erasmus .. ( to love ) 25 ft long 10 ft wide 8 ft tall 3600 lbs Lots of room for children to climb or sit and read books (the Library is just around the corner) - Given a Police Escort from his place of creation to this grassy area because of his size.

Erasmus the Dragon ..

19 Aug 2021 6 5 135
a new sculpture at the Children's Museum has large wings horns and a gentle, friendly "come climb on me" message to all the children who want to see 'who is that new person ?' Beechwood Metalworks ... Casey and Emily Lewis .. local artists/sculptors 1 PiP

Both sides of Busy ...

15 Aug 2021 15 8 161
Pollen gathering .. front back (PiP 1) sides not finished yet there is still more Cosmos are a great place for he who gathers and she who takes his photo.... 1 PiP

Swallowtail - Dark (f)

15 Aug 2021 14 8 151
A Dark Swallowtail (f) next door on a Buddleja 4 PiP

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (m)

12 Aug 2021 20 6 146
Wings of beauty are a bit worn .. and ragged .. yet he keeps searching for nectar .. in the Mexican Sunflowers.. to me .. this is more than a photo of a butterfly .. it can be a life-lesson .. “We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” - Maya Angelou

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail ..

10 Aug 2021 15 4 154
[ Papilio glaucus ] Eastern Tiger Swallowtail - m - enjoying nectar of the Buddleja thanks to my Dear Neighbor for planting this beauty ! - 4 PiP -

Ms. Myrtle ..

05 Aug 2021 15 5 127
Her time is now to bloom against a North Carolina blue canvas so many buds Ms Myrtle and two sisters are blooming !!! Of all the varieties of Crepe Myrtle this one is the last to bloom here love watching when the white ones begin then on to several other varieties and now My Turn ! Hope you enjoy as much as I do ! 2 PiP

Whimsy ...

04 Aug 2021 13 4 138
Shall we dance in the blue sky with puffy thingys you go left I'll circle around a moment of time to share love and be grateful we have it ! Photo and words - Peggy C

A feast ..

23 Jul 2021 15 10 180
Buddleja blossoms must have delicious nectar! This Carpenter Bee took his time so as not to miss anything. My nextdoor neighbor is thanked every time I catch these photos. He planted this (surely for me to come take photos) .. Only I didn't live here --- yet! 1 PiP

Dragonfly - Mosquito Hawk ..

23 Jul 2021 12 9 154 No certain ID ... volunteers ? Thanks to Ronald for the ID.. he is my go-to on these ! Same size as a White Tail .. looks like room for passengers, too !

Just Visiting ..

18 Jul 2021 12 4 117
A Black Eyed Susan - [Rudbeckia] Down the road at City Park - Getting nectar on top - Don't know what the long-legger is doing - 1 PiP -- EXPLORE / GALLERY --

6577 items in total