Budapest Booklet

Budapest in the 60s

A little pocketsized booklet containing nine coloured pictures of Budapest. Probably made in the 60s for tourists - quite affortable 10 forint.

30 Oct 2007

381 visits

Budapest Booklet

measures 105 x 75 mm

30 Oct 2007

390 visits

Budapest Hotel Aero

by Dr. Bérczi Lóránt

30 Oct 2007

376 visits

Budapest Elisaebth Bridge

by Csobaji Elöd

30 Oct 2007

418 visits

Budapest Hotel Royal

by Bakonyi Béla

30 Oct 2007

1 favorite

1 162 visits

Budapest Hotel Ifjúság

by Dollinger Erhardt

30 Oct 2007

398 visits

Budapest Chain Bridge (19th c.)

by MIT Fényes Tomás

30 Oct 2007

1 favorite

405 visits

Budapest Opera-house

by Ripely Imre

30 Oct 2007

368 visits

Budapest Town Park, Vajdahunyad (Agricultura Museum)

by Ripely Imre

30 Oct 2007

312 visits


10 items in total