


05 Jun 2012 13 5 186
York, England


28 Nov 2018 16 3 239
Best big and on black. Please press Z.


21 Jan 2021 10 4 238
(Big & Black is best. Please press Z.)


23 Dec 2021 9 4 129
Today's temperature was about 39 degrees Celsius. Christmas Day in Northam, WA is forecast to be 43. The shade both inside and outside Cafe Yasou is and will be most welcome. Have a grand Christmas, everyone. Stay as safe as you possibly can.


15 Jan 2022 11 5 180
Tiffany's, Donnybrook, WA.


14 Jan 2022 9 2 142
A cafe in Nannup, WA. Press Z for a more detailed view (especially of the shadows).


30 Oct 2021 9 2 139
Wild at Heart, Pemberton WA Press Z, please.


26 Aug 2022 7 2 138
Shelter Brewery, Busselton, WA. (Big is brighter.Please press Z to try it out.)


11 Jul 2021 7 4 127
Liberté at the London Hotel, Albany, WA. Press Z for bigger view.


04 Mar 2023 13 12 125
Happy Fence Friday to all. This is in Oxford Street, Leederville in Perth, WA, a strip where you can eat to your heart's content at more cafés than you can shake a stick at. Press Z to see the people enjoying the mild sunshine along with their coffee. Now that autumn has arrived here in Western Australia the temperatures have ameliorated to a more pleasant 28 degrees or so. I hope your day and your weekend are full of whatever it is you desire.


13 Dec 2023 8 3 112
Santi's Café, Monash Avenue, Nedlands, WA.


05 Jul 2024 7 1 35
"This here's the wattle, the emblem of our land. You can stick it in a bottle, you can hold it in your hand. Amen." With thanks to Monty Python. (For the edification of all foreigners and strangers to this wonderful land, the wattle is an Australian cultural icon.)

58 items in total