Takoma station

Women's March on Washington

Folder: Here
I've witnessed many large rallies over the last twelve years, and attended both of Pres. Obama's inaugurations ... yet even those can't compare to the *utterly massive* force of humanity, goodwill and purpose that I marched alongside on January 21, 2017.

a.k.a. Day 1.

Mr. Trump, this is just the beginning.

21 Jan 2017

151 visits

that about sums it up

21 Jan 2017

129 visits

21 Jan 2017

123 visits

hail all the grandmas in knit caps who (still) protest

21 Jan 2017

151 visits

21 Jan 2017

128 visits

Also awesome: all the men who march with us

21 Jan 2017

105 visits


21 Jan 2017

132 visits

21 Jan 2017

1 favorite

194 visits

Women's March on Washington - 21 Jan 2017

21 Jan 2017

124 visits


88 items in total