Empire State

NYC 2010

Folder: There
Labor Day weekend, visiting old and new haunts in my favorite city with my favorite guy. What could be better? ..........................
It is an ugly city, a dirty city. Its climate is a scandal. Its politics are used to frighten children. Its traffic is madness. Its competition is murderous. But there is one thing about it - once you have lived in New York and it has become your home, no othe…  (read more)

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06 Sep 2010

1 favorite

79 visits

Empire State

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06 Sep 2010

79 visits

NY < - > DC

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06 Sep 2010

112 visits

not Polo, but

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06 Sep 2010

81 visits

old NY

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06 Sep 2010

94 visits

take the way home

that leads back to Sullivan Street cross the water and home through the town past the shadows that fall down wherever we meet

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06 Sep 2010

92 visits

St. Anthony's

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06 Sep 2010

75 visits

peace to the world

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06 Sep 2010

104 visits

corner art

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06 Sep 2010

81 visits

the garden at La Lanterna

190 items in total