golden ticket

Inauguration Day 2009

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I.e., "that day I would've taken more pictures, but my fingers were f*cking freezing." There are few people in the world I'd get up for at 4am (on a day off) to wait in line just to get INto the metro (that alone I dread pretty much every day of my life) to then stand amongst a crowd of a million or so crazy folk in the dead of winter (wind chill of 11F) to witness their inauguration into the Pre…  (read more)

19 Jan 2009

117 visits

golden ticket

Tomorrow my usual commute of 25 minutes will take 2.5 hours. I will hustle through crowds of zillions of people. I will stand on the Mall in the freezing cold, probably starving and needing to pee (but won't go into a porta-potty if you paid me). And I wouldn't miss this for anything.

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20 Jan 2009

71 visits


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20 Jan 2009

70 visits

Two stops later, not so empty

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20 Jan 2009

87 visits

Beautiful morning

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20 Jan 2009

91 visits


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20 Jan 2009

83 visits

Let us OUT

attempting to exit @ Chinatown

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20 Jan 2009

67 visits

It was going so well...

until the cops suddenly blocked 7th St. at E St. Meaning having to walk - oh I dunno, 1000 miles to 18th St. VIA I STREET (!) to get to the Mall since every next street was already closed off for the parade. Did I mention it was COLD? OMG.

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20 Jan 2009

95 visits

Uncle Sam

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20 Jan 2009

51 visits

These folks were in line to watch the parade, waiting to pass through security. I hope they got in.
36 items in total