nils ♫'s photos


30 Jun 2009 6 5 1611
Theredone has a new name (again): Tintin. It goes well with Milou. 500C, Fuji Pro 160s, Sonnar 150mm, f/4.


18 Jun 2009 3 1 862
Aren't they pretty! On the left Shuang with her Carl Zeiss Jena 80mm and tilt adapter on Fuji S5 Pro. On the right Felicia with her super design glasses and pirate headband. :-)


22 Jun 2009 824
:-D We should have waited for some light clouds . . .


18 Jun 2009 2 3 1234
Felicia , second shoot. Most is 120 film, some D200. Have to be patient . . . Shot at Schaep en Burgh. D200, Sigma 10~20mm.


12 Jun 2009 9 8 1768
My daughter Maïsha, on my 50t birthday. Nikkor 85mm f/2.


23 May 2009 4 1119
February 14, 2009. Yesterday we went to Zeist. I made some stunning shots. After taking the twelve shots I wanted to take the film out. Then I discovered there was no film in the back. I was in shock, for at least fifteen minutes. I make photos now for over thirty seven years and never made this ridiculous mistake before. Hence this nice impression from Amsterdam instead. Actually I'm still in shock. :-| (I see the tags are still messing up and are still sensitive for Capitals ...)


24 Apr 2009 11 2 1532
2008, this planar is a very nice lens. B/W Nikon D70 version here .


31 Mar 2009 5 1468
Pretty lady, composer Sinta Wullur . Hasselblad 500C 80mm f/2.8. Fuji 160/S (photo © nils andriessen 2008, do not use without my permission).


21 Dec 2007 8 5 1053
a Christmas moment.


17 Sep 2008 9 7 2068
Close to the centre of our village. (photo © nils andriessen 2008, do not use without my permission).

coffee company

03 Nov 2008 2 1396
This girl was having an internet meeting. Floating webcams on her screen. You can see the headphone. shot with permission. :-) (photo © nils andriessen 2008, do not use without my permission)


15 Nov 2008 4 9 1795
Vietnamese girls on the Nieuwmarkt. (shot with permission). :-) (photo © nils andriessen 2008, do not use without my permission).

getting in

05 Nov 2008 2 1 861
The bedel or beadle (pedel in Dutch) and professors getting back in the church. My favorite shot made during the ceremony of the doctorate of a good friend. (photo © nils andriessen 2008, do not use without my permission).


22 Oct 2008 1 2 1288
Good friend and pretty lady, composer Sinta Wullur . D70 1/30, Nikkor MF85mm f/2 @ f/4 (photo © nils andriessen 2008, do not use without my permission).

Nude on red blanket

06 Oct 2008 1 747
My very first bought painting ever. I really love it. Artist, Siret Roots .



07 Sep 2008 59 10 4720
Still in the centre. 80mm at f/2.8, what a lovely lens :-)

90 items in total

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